C'est La Vie
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الله يعافيج يا قلبي
انا English Exculsive
مرة بحياتي قريت رواية عربية اللي اهي بنات الرياض
انا English Exculsive
مرة بحياتي قريت رواية عربية اللي اهي بنات الرياض
الله يعافيج
انتي قاريته كيوتا؟
انا توقعت نفس الشي بس قلت مابي استعجل بالحكم عليه
hey c'est la vie
i've read them both .. tuesdays with morrie and the last lecture ...
hmmm let me tell u something .. i've been part of the last lecture .. u know the actual lecture .. its alot better than the book itself .. gotta be honest, i was a bit disappointed with the book ..
tuesdays with morrie was good but again .. i dunno ..
you know, maybe because i read '' rules of life '' first and it had so many interesting rules that the last lecture and tuesdays with morrie seemed like a repeatition of it ,..
but they are good, enjoy reading them ..
oh by the way, how's the five people u meet in heaven ?
Hi all... i am big fan of Paulo Coelho stories ... these days am reading "The Alchemist"... it's really a GREAT story i recommend everyone to read it
3chapter leftابواب الخير منورة حبيبتي
كيوتا شكثر باقيلج على twilight ؟
Hi all... i am big fan of Paulo Coelho stories ... these days am reading "The Alchemist"... it's really a GREAT story i recommend everyone to read it
Rawoona Tell Us more About This Book u R writing