مستوى التفاعل

مشاركات الملف الشخصي آخر النشاطات المنشورات معلومات

  • وهذا الرابع وعبارة عن نكتة
    A laugh-a-day keeps the doctor away! It's the best medicine in the world. It will help your English at the same time!
    Doctor: I’m certain you will make a complete recovery. I have no doubt about it.
    Patient: But how can you be so sure, doctor? I thought that this was a very serious disease, with a pretty poor outlook.
    Doctor: So it is. The ****books state that nine out of ten patients with your condition die.
    Patient: Well then, how can you be so optimistic in my case?
    Doctor: It’s just a matter of statistics; you are the tenth case I’ve treated... The other nine are already dead.
    Believe it or not!
    وهذا الثالث
    The rich taste of your favourite coffee is reflected in its rich history. The beginnings of NESCAFÉ can be traced all the way back to 1930, when the Brazilian government first approached Nestlé. Our coffee guru, Max Morgenthaler, and his team set out to find a way of producing a quality cup of coffee that could be made simply by adding water, yet would retain the coffee’s natural flavour. After seven long years of research in our Swiss laboratories, they found the answer.
    Quality guaranteed – since 1938!

    The new product was named NESCAFÉ – a combination of Nestlé and café. NESCAFÉ was first introduced in Switzerland, on April 1st, 1938. For the first half of the next decade, however, World War II hindered its success in Europe. NESCAFÉ was soon exported to France, Great Britain and the USA. American forces played a key role in re-launching NESCAFÉ in Europe by virtue of the fact that it was included in their food rations. Its popularity grew rapidly through the rest of the decade. By the 1950s, coffee had become the beverage of choice for teenagers, who were flocking to coffee-houses to hear the new rock ’n’ roll music. In 1965 NESCAFÉ continued to bring you the world's best cup of coffee by introducing freeze-dried soluble coffee with the launch of Gold Blend. Only two years later we invented a new technology to capture more aroma and flavour from every single coffee bean. In 1994 the 'full aroma' process was invented to make the unique quality and character of NESCAFÉ even better.
    Today, our NESCAFÉ coffees are available to suit all tastes and in a wide range of packaging. NESCAFÉ now produces many different types ... which one is your favourite?
    وهذا ثاني موضوع
    The Wonders of Water

    Water is one of the most basic elements of life but figuring out how much we ought to drink hasn't always been so simple.
    Most of us grew up thinking we needed to drink eight glasses of water each day, in addition to any other drinks we might choose. But the latest recommendations say that we no longer need to worry about drinking specific amounts of water. Instead, we can simply satisfy our thirst with any beverage.
    Of course, water -- clean, *******ing, and calorie-free -- is the ideal beverage of choice. And some folks swear by its weight loss powers, including Mireille Guiliano, author of the best-selling book French Women Don't Get Fat.
    To help make the facts about water crystal clear, WebMD asked experts for the skinny on just how much water we need, and whether drinking water can really help keep those extra calories at bay.
    How Much Is Enough?
    The IOM report did not specify requirements for water but made general fluid intake recommendations of 91 ounces (that's 11-plus cups a day) for women and 125 ounces (15-plus cups a day) for men. Remember, these guidelines are for total fluid intake, including fluid from all food and beverages.
    Approximately 80% of our water intake comes from drinking water and other beverages, and the other 20% comes from food. Assuming these percentages are accurate for most of us, the recommended amount of beverages, including water, would be approximately 9 cups for women and 12.5 cups for men.
    While 20% may seem like a lot of fluid to get from food, many common food items are mostly water. Here are some foods with high water *******, according to the American Dietetic Association:
    سوري عالتأخير و هذاأول موضوع

    The Dewaniya is a fundamental part of Kuwaiti life. Hence, it has become a mark in their traditional daily life.
    A place that is separate from the main house and usually used by men for social gathering, it offers a unique insight into local life. Within a social atmosphere the Dewaniya provides a meeting place for discussions on politics, business, and life – a kind of forum that provides a barometer of public opinion. All Kuwaiti men belong to or own a Dewaniya – something that has existed throughout the history of the country.
    Dewaniya has several types, private, public and family. The private is just for close friends who usually gather daily and public are fixed with a weekly timing where anyone can visit, while family dewaniya, is an official gathering of prominent family, where all people can come and meet the family members.
    Most Dewaniyas start after the sunset till midnight the whole year round and recently it started having a break in summer.
    Dewaniya came from Dewan, an Indian word which means a well-known official place where people can meet the host of the Dewan when they need anything. The most well-known Dewan is the Prime Minister of India's Dewan.
    السلام عليكم
    هلا بالكويتية اشلونج

    افا عليج تامرين امر انا حاليا اشتغل عالمجلة و المطويات بنفس الوقت وعندي مواضيع واجد مثل worklism & the new seven wonders........etc

    وعلى فكره المواضيع حيل طويلة و انا عن نفسي اخذ من محرك البحث www.ask.net و اختصره واذا احتجت اي شي ما يردج الا لسانج

    وسوري طولت عليج لان كنت مزحومة
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