Gearing Your Elemental Shaman for WOW Gold
Before we go on our scavenger
WOW Gold hunt for a solid elemental shaman shield, we need to know exactly what we're looking for. And to do that, we need to spend a quick moment to cover the basics about exactly what stats you're going to want to look for. Hit rating really only matters once you're running raids, but up to the hit cap, it's your most important stat. At level 80, there are two magic numbers. For Horde characters, you want a hit rating as close to 289 as possible. For Alliance, you want a hit rating as close to 263 as possible. Consider this your first priority for raiding hit is just that valuable
Aion Leveling.Spell power is the second most important stat for elemental shaman. If the shield doesn't have spell power, it's not an elemental shaman shield. Haste is the third most important stat. You'll hear a lot of talk about soft caps and hard caps, about sneaking in extra Lightning Bolts and 1-second GCDs. All that stuff is important in theory, and we could go on for pages talking about nothing but haste alone. The most important takeaway here, though, is that more haste always means more DPS
Buy WOW Gold.Critical strike is the fourth more important stat. That guaranteed crit from Lava Burst is one of the best things us elemental shaman have going for us. It also makes our critical strike rating less relevant. Still, we fling an awful lot of lightning in between those Lava Bursts, and it's always nice to see those hit for double damage. Intellect is No. 5. It improves our DPS, but just barely. By the way, if you want to buy cheap WOW gold and order for power leveling, you can click our excellent website to search for your desired services
Aion Gold. Take a quick look at that list above. Notice what's not in there: MP5. MP5 sucks for elemental shaman. It does nothing for our DPS and takes up a space that could be dedicated to a better stat. sadly, though; most of the gear for mail-wearing casters in Wrath carries MP5. You could argue that made sense in early Wrath raiding, when running out of mana could happen. In Icecrown, it shouldn't. Excessive MP5 on your gear is a waste. And yet it's forced on us anyway
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