· Reading Comprehension; (5 Marks)
· Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.
Dalal is seven years old. She lives with her family in a big house with a big garden. Dalal loves to plant flowers in the garden. At school, she learned that all plants need water, sunshine and good soil to grow and those trees and plants give us food and shade. So, she wants to plant different kinds of flowers and trees and she will look after them.
· Answer the following questions:- (2x1=2m)
1. How old is Dalal?
Dalal is …………………………………………………................................
2. What does Dalal love to plant?
Dalal loves to ………………………………………………………...............
· Mark (√) or (x):- (2x1.5= 3m)
1. Trees and plants need water only. ( )
2. Dalal lives with her family in a small house. ( )