Grade 10 Module Four Unit 10 ( lesson 1+2 )
السلام عليكم
اسئلة الكتاب للصف العاشر
1- What different types of stories are there in the Holy Quran?
a- Historic stories .
b- Stories about good people and prophets .
2- How do the stories in Holy Quran benefit us?
a- By setting examples .
b- Understanding the hardship that the prophet faced .
c- Ensuring the trust of people in God ( Allah )
3- What pieces of advice did Luqman give to his son?
He asked him to
a- pray . b- be patient . c- be humble . d- reduce his voice .
4- List some of the virtues that Luqman stresses on:
a- Modesty .
b- Patience .
c- Self restrain .
d- Respectfulness .
السلام عليكم
اسئلة الكتاب للصف العاشر
1- What different types of stories are there in the Holy Quran?
a- Historic stories .
b- Stories about good people and prophets .
2- How do the stories in Holy Quran benefit us?
a- By setting examples .
b- Understanding the hardship that the prophet faced .
c- Ensuring the trust of people in God ( Allah )
3- What pieces of advice did Luqman give to his son?
He asked him to
a- pray . b- be patient . c- be humble . d- reduce his voice .
4- List some of the virtues that Luqman stresses on:
a- Modesty .
b- Patience .
c- Self restrain .
d- Respectfulness .