رد: تجمع للحوامل اللي ياخذون أبر كلاكسين وبيبي أسبرين (الله يثبت حملنا يارب )
How to Inject your Clexane
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Clexane needs to be injected into the subcutaneous layer of the skin. The preferred place is the tummy as it is absorbed more quickly here. The area about 6 inches either side of the tummy button is ideal. Do alternate sides daily.
Wash your hands with warm, soapy water.
Take the syringe and with your thumb and forefinger carefully remove the plastic sheath covering the needle. Take care not to touch the sterile needle.
Make sure the air bubble is at the end nearest the needle.
Hold the syringe near the top as if you were going to write with it like a pencil.
Using the other hand, pinch a large mound of clean skin and quickly push the needle straight into the mound at a 90 degree angle, as far as it will go.
Hold the pinched mound throughout the injection and with your thumb on top of the plunger, quickly and smoothly inject all of the Clexane from the syringe.
Take the needle out slowly, straight out of the mound of skin, then release the mound.
You may find that the area stings for about 20 minutes afterwards - this is normal. Try not to rub the site as this will lead to increased bruising.
Dispose of your syringe and needle carefully in the sharps disposal box provided. When your course of injections is finished, take the closed bin to your GP surgery for disposal.
What to do if you miss a dose
Take your Clexane as soon as you remember and then take your next dose 21-24 hours later.
Further Information
If you have any questions or concerns about taking Clexane, please contact your GP.
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) ensures that the NHS listens to patients, relatives, carers and friends, answers questions and resolves concerns as quickly as possible. If you have a query or concern, please visit them in the Information Centre on Level 2 at North Devon District Hospital or contact them on 01271 314090.
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Please also take the time to complete a comment card 'Tell us what you think', so we can make improvements.
If you would like to make a formal complaint, please contact the Customer Relations Manager on 01271 322334 or put your concerns in writing to the Chief Executive, Northern Devon Healthcare Trust, Raleigh Park, Barnstaple, EX31 4JB.
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If you have any suggestions to improve this leaflet, please contact the Communication Department on 01271 311575.