يومياتي بالصور ولمده 3 اشهر متواصله حياكم ..

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.


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25 فبراير 2009
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الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
Step 6: Sleep Will Help Melt Fat

Sleep is important for a number of reasons. As most of you know, getting an adequate amount of sleep determines our moods the following day.

Lack of sleep leads to grouchiness, fatigue, and irritability just to name a few. It's very probable that without enough sleep your workday is compromised by the constant yawning and inability to pay attention.

However, sleep isn't only important for your state of mind, it's imperative to your fitness results!

It's when you're sleeping that your body gives off the highest levels of Human Growth Hormones, which help build muscle.

It's also the only time all your muscles get to rest. Your muscles need rest because you're constantly moving and stretching them, especially while working out hard to lose weight.

Press the Snooze Button Once in a While

Lack of sleep can also result in weight gain, even though you may be working out regularly and eating healthy.

Not only does your metabolism slow down if you aren't getting enough Z's, but your body produces a chemical called Cortisol (a mixture of increased blood sugar and insulin levels). When your body senses the Cortisol, it confuses it with hunger.

Cortisol has a way of storing body fat in the belly area. If you produce more Cortisol, there's a chance you're storing more belly fat as well.

So here we are: Sleepy and irritable with a slower metabolism and hungry. Wow, that sounds like a terrible combination!

Sleeping is also good for your skin, hair and nails. Grandma always says to get your beauty sleep so the wrinkles stay away and she's right!

Stress is a Mess - Calm your Mind to Sleep Better

I know it's hard in this day and age; the economy is bad and people are working more and sleeping less. Our stress levels often leave us up at night. However, it's critical to get a good amount of sleep.

The minimum hours of sleep you should be getting is six. Everyone should ideally be getting six to eight hours every night. I'm sure it's hard for some of you to get that much sleep, but definitely make it priority most nights out of the week.

Try exercising at least three hours before bed time. Working out too late in the day may contribute to staying up later. Taking a warm shower an hour before I want to hit the sack often helps me relax. Along with a great read and I'm tucked in bed and ready for my beauty sleep.

You knew that sleep causes drowsiness and fatigue, but belly fat? I was shocked too. My success is a result from plenty of sleep so I know how important it is.

Think you got what it takes to succeed? I know you do!
But you've GOT to have a certain mindset.

I'll teach you tomorrow.
See You Then,​


New member
25 فبراير 2009
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الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
Step 7: Stay Positive

Staying positive is a vital step to your success, I can't stress that enough.

When you think about great things, you'll achieve great things. As soon as you mentally give up or get discouraged, you will start taking steps backwards.

Sometimes the results you get are not the ones you wanted or maybe you wanted them in more of an extreme level. It's possible you're also frustrated at the pace you're seeing results. These are all reasons to second guess, doubt, or even consider giving up on yourself.

We're human, we lose confidence in ourselves and our abilities sometimes. You have to understand, however, right in the beginning of your fitness journey, that ANY kind of result is a good result.

Pass Around the Positive

Positivity books played a crucial part in my weight loss success. I read inspirational quotes and poems all the time. Sometimes just getting your mind off what is upsetting you and veering it towards something positive is all you need to get your feet back on the ground.

Another trick I did was put pictures up all over my house. I would tape present day (fat me) photos on the fridge and old ones (thin me) in the bathroom.

Every time I reached into the fridge to grab something that's unhealthy, I'd have a brutal reminder of why I'm not allowing myself to have that piece of chocolate pie.

Whenever I would be getting ready for work in the mornings, I would change right in front of the mirror and see how close I am getting to the old me, the slimmer me, the (hopefully) new me.

It Feels as Good as it Looks

I also made a point not to throw any of my old clothes away. Although I outgrew those clothes, I kept them around just to prove to myself that I could fit into them again. I didn't care if I actually wore them or not, I just wanted to know I could fit into them.

Every few weeks, the old skinny jeans would inch up my thighs more and more. After three months, I could fit into them again. Granted, I didn't go out in public because those old, washed out jeans weren't exactly in style anymore, but I did wear them around my house all day just because I could!

See Everyone,

Without positive thinking, it's a lost cause.
And I can help you in every way I can, but I can't MAKE you believe in yourself.
You have to find that inner strength. I know you'll find it.

There are ways to make yourself do things you never thought you could. Do you think I always knew I could have this body? A part of me, yes... Most of me, no way!

But I have it now thanks to tricking myself fit! It's all in tomorrow's email.

Until Next Time,​

ام عزيز 4

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19 سبتمبر 2009
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أنا باااك..

عقب النادي عالـ 10.30 كليت بروتين بار..

وتوني تغديت تقريبا كوب معكرونيه سمره وقفشتين جبن موزاريلا + سلطه..

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وااااااو عليج بالعافيه:eh_s(9):


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25 فبراير 2009
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الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
Step 8: Dare to do These Mental Tricks

There are so many ways you can fool your body and your mind. Trust me, I became my own con-artist. Here is a small list of how you can train your body to do more of what you want it to, and less of what you don't:

1). Drink at least a full glass of water before a meal.
I did this trick before every single meal. By drinking a glass of water before you eat, you're tricking your body into thinking it's full.

Why would you want to eat less of what your body needs, you ask? Well, that's the trick.

This day and age, Americans think they need a heaping serving of food to be satisfied. But that's a terrible myth.

We don't feel full until about 15 minutes after we actually are full. That's 15 minutes of over eating! By drinking water first, you will have filled up those extra minutes on water, not food!

2). Trade in your huge plates for small dishes.
It looks so silly when you do it, but it works. When we eat off large plates, we have a tendency to eat as much as we can. Although we most likely ate too much, it still doesn't look too bad because there is yet more food on the plate.

However, if you eat off a small plate, you will take much less food to begin with. Once you finish your plate, your mind will think that you have just finished a whole plate of food and stop eating.

3). Chew your food twenty-five times before swallowing.
This is another trick to fool your stomach into thinking it's eating more food, when you're actually eating less.

I would chew my food twenty-five times before swallowing and put my fork completely down; I'd get full a lot quicker than I normally would.

This is because when you take a longer time chewing your food, your body is finding it easier to digest your previous bite in the meantime.

4). Brush your teeth when it's not meal time.
If you feel yourself reaching for a snickers bar, go brush your teeth first! The clean feeling in your mouth will discourage you from indulging in sugar.

While you're in the bathroom gargling away, sneak a peak at the picture you put up of the skinny you. Between the fresh breath and the picture, your craving should go away in record time.

I think you're starting to get a better idea of how this motivation style fitness works. It's more about what's in your head and how you handle things than any diets or exercise.

Tomorrow you're going to find out what you use every single day that I want you to never use again. It hinders you weight lose more than you'll ever think.

Talk to You Soon,


New member
25 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
Step 9: Get Rid of the Scale

I have friends tell me all the time that they get discouraged because they aren't losing any weight.

My first question to them is, "How do you know?"

They look at me for a second like I have three heads, "Because I still weigh the same," they reply very matter-of-factly. I kind of giggle at their "Duhhh" responses.

I try to inform them of how silly scales are. You will weigh more at night after you've eaten great all day and worked out for an hour, than you will first thing in the morning.

This does not mean you gained weight, it means, well, nothing. Depending on what time you eat and even how much water you retain in your body will affect the scale.

Shoot, even if it's "that" (women, you know what I'm referring to) time of the month, your body will tend to weigh slightly more.

You see what I'm sayin' people? Don't determine your success on how much you weigh. Pounds don't have much credibility when it comes to weight loss, sound silly? Read on and you'll understand what I mean.

Inches > Pounds

The best way to know if you're losing weight or not is through your clothes.

If you feel as though your pants slide on a little easier, you're on the right track! If you can finally zip up that dress, good for you! That's how you should determine your weight loss success.

On a similar note, if your pants feel a little snug, that means you need to change something in your eating habits or exercise routine. Maybe you haven't lost any weight according to the scale, but if your clothes fit better or even looser, you've lost inches.

Inches are better in my book any day!

Another thing that helped me was I took pictures of myself every ten days. With only a swimsuit on, I'd be able to fully see my body's progress. And whenever I saw major results, I'd be that much more motivated to keep going strong!

Mind Over Matter

You also need to measure you're success by your feelings.

Yes, you heard correctly, merely the way you feel. Maybe since you began this weight loss journey, you've opted to take the stairs when you're walking into work. Good for you! It was probably a little challenging in the beginning, getting out of breath and perhaps your legs were a little sore the next day.

These are all normal side affects for getting back into "the game". After a couple weeks, you may be able to walk up the stairs with ease. That's a little success you need to count.

Give yourself credit and keep in mind the small victories you have.

Cut yourself some slack when you need to. If you're always hard on yourself, your confidence suffers. I am all too familiar with that concept. Once my attitude changed, so did my body!

So you think that's the last of the secrets? Think again! I want to send you one more tip just because I KNOW you can do this! ... Tomorrow ;)

More Great Stuff to Come,​


New member
25 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
Step 10: Give yourself a Pat on the Back

I think I've made it clear throughout this whole session, but just in case I haven't, I want to elaborate it some more. What you are doing by wanting a healthier life, is very brave yet very challenging.

Keeping in mind that you're doing something great for yourself should be your number one focus. With overcoming challenges, comes rewards.

A great way to reward yourself after a week of challenges is a cheat meal. Once a week, allow yourself to indulge in any meal you want. Yeah, you heard me! Pizza, you got it! Chinese food, it's yours! Craving mint chocolate chip ice cream? Go for it!

This is your chance to take advantage of any food you were depriving yourself from all week. By eating the food you wish you could throughout the week, you're getting the cravings out of the way for the upcoming week.

One and Only One!

Having a cheat meal also helps you get through those tough times you really want to cheat. Let's say one night your family goes out to dinner and you really want the pasta you used to get before you started your diet.

You'll have an easier time not ordering it by telling yourself you can have it on your cheat day. Make your cheat meal the same day every week around the same time. This way, you won't be confused as to when your last cheat day was.

Choose a Day That's Right for you

Not only will a cheat meal keep your willpower strong throughout the week, but it will give you extra energy and even boost your metabolism.

I always reserved my cheat meals for Sunday afternoons. I didn't want it too late in the evening because I didn't want the unhealthy food I was eating to sit in my system over night.

By eating what I wanted Sunday afternoons, my next day workouts were amazing! I started noticing I was burning more calories during the workouts because I had the extra energy to really push myself in the gym.

So there you have it!

My 9 (+1) secrets on how to get started in changing your life. You're so close to weight loss, I can feel it! Just allow these tips to guide you through the process - and stick to it. This guide is just the beginning of your journey.

I hope these tips help you as much as they helped me.
I know they will!


New member
25 فبراير 2009
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الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
وبس خلصنا :ggdw:

وعالـ Cheat day or meal .. ما أفكر فيها الحين :p..أبي أنزل هالـ 3 كيلو إلي بقوا وعقبها إن شاء الله راح أخليلي يوم أو وجبه أوف كل إسبوع آكل إلي أبيه وباجي الأيام هيلثي :rerrerek:


New member
25 فبراير 2009
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الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
بنات نصييييحه حاولوا تقروون وااايد عن الدايت والرياضه .. والله تفكيركم بالأكل كله راح يتغير.. وراح يتغير طول العمر إن شاء الله طوول ما إنتوا تقرون :rerrerek:

والله بنات من كثر ما قريت أحس مخي كله قلب لوول.. تفكيري تغير 180 درجه من ناحية الأكل :p.. والحمدلله الأكل والخرابيط ما قام يهزني نفس قبل.. صرت أبدي الأكل الهيلثي على الخرابيط :rerrerek:

والله بنات إقروا كثر ما تقدرون.. وااايد راح تستفيدوون :ggdw:

ام عزيز 4

New member
19 سبتمبر 2009
مستوى التفاعل
بنات نصييييحه حاولوا تقروون وااايد عن الدايت والرياضه .. والله تفكيركم بالأكل كله راح يتغير.. وراح يتغير طول العمر إن شاء الله طوول ما إنتوا تقرون :rerrerek:

والله بنات من كثر ما قريت أحس مخي كله قلب لوول.. تفكيري تغير 180 درجه من ناحية الأكل :p.. والحمدلله الأكل والخرابيط ما قام يهزني نفس قبل.. صرت أبدي الأكل الهيلثي على الخرابيط :rerrerek:

والله بنات إقروا كثر ما تقدرون.. وااايد راح تستفيدوون :ggdw:

ما شالله عليج تبارك الرحمن

حدج عجيبه:rerrerek:

ام عزيز 4

New member
19 سبتمبر 2009
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وبس خلصنا :ggdw:

وعالـ cheat day or meal .. ما أفكر فيها الحين :p..أبي أنزل هالـ 3 كيلو إلي بقوا وعقبها إن شاء الله راح أخليلي يوم أو وجبه أوف كل إسبوع آكل إلي أبيه وباجي الأيام هيلثي :rerrerek:
جم وزنج؟


New member
25 فبراير 2009
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الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
جم وزنج؟

آخر مره وزنت جنه قبل 5 أيام كان 63..

طولي 166... أدري ما يبيلي أنزل بعد.. بس براسي هالـ 3 كيلو باطين جبدي أبي أقطهم :p حتى المدربه قبل أمس قالتلي ضعفانه وديري بالج لا تضعفين بعد.. بس إلا بسوي إلي براسي :p.. ماراح أرتاح وأكون راضيه إلا لمن أنزلهم وأشد جسمي 100% :eh_s(22):


New member
25 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
توني تعشيت كورن فليكس + كرنيشن لايت بدال الحليب..

وعالساعه 8.30 بشرب جاي أخضر وأنام عالـ 9.30 إن شاء الله..

بنات شوفوا أنواع هالكورن فليكسات :p.. جربوهم كلهم حلوين :rerrerek:... بس مو موجودين بالجمعيه.. تلقونهم بمركز السلطان..

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وهذا هم حلوو.. كنت حاطه صورته من قبل..

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7 ديسمبر 2011
مستوى التفاعل
ياحلاتي ماشاء الله عليكي
ماشااااااااااااااااااء الله
تعجبيني تحمسي الواحد صراحه ربي يحفظك
بس يبلي اترجم واستفيد من كتاباتك
التعديل الأخير:
7 ديسمبر 2011
مستوى التفاعل
اليوم خربطت صراحه شويه
واحس اني مقهووووره من نفسي وزني حليو وليس حل وشكلي بخربه
من طفاستي يلا بكره بشد حيلي كني ماخربطت شي ابدا

استمراااااااااااااااااااااااااااااار ان شاء الله

ام عزيز 4

New member
19 سبتمبر 2009
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ريوقي<< كورنفليكس +حليب +فراوله
غداي <<قطعه دجاج كوردن بلو+عصير توت بري
عشاي <<7اصابع زعتر+ملعقتين لبنه+جاي حليب

سناكي<<قطعتين ككاو+هوت جوكليت بالدارسين

رياضتي<<مشي 40 دقيقه

والحمدلله عدا اليوم علي خير

سآق نملة

New member
28 نوفمبر 2009
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وآدي النمل :D
بالعااااافيه بنااات
انا امس واللي قبله خربت عشان جذي مادخلت :(

اليوم التزام باذن الله
ريوقي صمونة مشكل صغيرة وعصير برتقال طبيعي

وبعدها بساعتين قهوة فرنسية

ان شاء الله التززم
7 ديسمبر 2011
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شيوووووووووووووووووووخه وينك غطستي ؟؟؟؟؟
لاتكونين تخربطين:eh_s(4):
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