Welcome to the new you!!
You've made the first and most important step towards losing weight and getting healthy. I'm here to tell you that
you CAN change your life!
Making lifelong changes can be scary and may seem impossible, but it's not! It's actually quite easy, I should know, I've done it.
Hi there, I'm Ingrid Macher, I'm the owner and founder of
Burn20.com. I started this business as a hobby. But after seeing the
happy, elated, surprised, and often tearful faces of those wonderful people I've helped over the years, I knew this is what I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing.
I am a business owner, fitness motivator, Certified Personal Trainer and mommy of two. I've spent years learning what works and what doesn't. I'm
so happy to be able to share my 9 secrets of
how I lost 55lbs, kept it off, and never looked back!
If you have ever wanted to lose weight, this is your time and this is your guide. I assure you that if you follow these step by step tips I have laid out here, you too will see the results I have.
I have a passion for helping people change their lives. I started out helping my friends and now I give advice and tips to perfect strangers who have become my friends and you can be one of my new friends too.
Do not consider this a diet plan, use it as a manual to get started on your
new lifestyle. And just remember, you are not alone.
Let's do it together, are you ready?
Ok, Let's get started!
Step 1: Getting Started
Once you've made the courageous decision to take back control over your life, there are some things you need to do before you even go to the gym or put yourself on a diet. You need to walk into your kitchen, stand in the middle of it, and look around. You will consciously see the foods that you've been eating that you know are unhealthy.
Once you've pin-pointed all the unhealthy foods,
toss them! That's right, throw away everything that you know you're not going to be able to eat, not for a few months at least - chips, sodas, candies, desserts, doughnuts, etc. This way, your mind knows there's no turning back. Make sure your kitchen is filled with nutritious, healthy, and delicious food!
Kitchen Makeover
After you've given your kitchen it's much needed "food make-over", it's time to fill it up. This is your time to start fresh (no pun intended).
When you go to the grocery store, make sure you
don't go on an empty stomach. The hungrier you are, the more likely you'll make unhealthy decisions when buying food and you'll save money!
Go on a full stomach and here's a little trick for ya-
go right after the gym, still sweaty and all (just make sure you have a small snack). Your mind will still be in "health mode". Walking down the isles, you'll be more apt to get healthy food because your still very aware of the hard work you've just put yourself through.
"Do I want that cheesecake after dinner tonight? Sure I do, but there's no way I'm wasting the calories after I just spent an hour burning them off!" That's the conversation that will be going on in your head.
Another tip you always hear is that you "need to" or "don't need to" count calories. Some say it's necessary, while others say it's a waste of time.
Here's my opinion:
Read the labels.
Read the calories, the sodium, the carbs, the sugars, everything; read the entire ingredients on the back of the label.
This isn't really to count the amount of calories or carbs, but more to fully understand what you are putting into your mouth. If you have no idea how to pronounce an ingredient on the label, don't buy it.
Being tempted to purchase foods that aren't healthy for you is normal, it happens to the best of us. The trick is to not give into those temptations and to stay strong!
Do you know the difference between a person who gets in shape and a person who doesn't?
It's will power, and it only gets stronger.
You made it through your first step, not so bad, eh?
Next we'll talk about what is exactly making you gain that weight - and how to make it stop!