يومياتي بالصور ولمده 3 اشهر متواصله حياكم ..

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.

بنت عطا 24

New member
13 أغسطس 2009
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قوه شلووونكم بنااات

انا ان شالله معاكم

انا متنت خلال شهر ونص 5كيلو تقريبااا من الكرتزون ومن الاكل الزايد

الاسم بنت عطا24
الطول 158
الوزن 75 :(

بنت عطا 24

New member
13 أغسطس 2009
مستوى التفاعل
وان شاء الله بستمر معاكم بالريجيم

قعدت متاخر وكليت 5 تمرات مع حليب خال الدسم

وبعدين تقهويت مع 2 قطعه حلو

وتغديت سلطه وربع خبزه ودجاج

جروح خالده

New member
24 أبريل 2010
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وسـط إحـزانـي وهمــومـي !!
السلام عليكم ..

يومياتي اليوم

ماتريقيت شربة ماااي بطل

وعلي الغدا 5 قفششات عيش مع سلطه واشوي سمج

شربة قهووه + جاي اخضر ونعناع + ماااي

عقب العشا شربة 2 عصير كيوي بالليمون والحين العصير الثالث ماتعشيت
10 أكتوبر 2008
مستوى التفاعل
صباحووووو لاحلا رشيقات يوميات اليوم

الريوم طماطه وخياره وبيضه مفيوحه بشوي زيت وكمون ونعناع

الغدا 3 ملاعق فول وسلطه خضرا

العشا كيوي واناناس وفراوله وربع موزه

شربت خلطه الكمون والزنجبيل غلاصين
وسويت تمارين 10 دقايق وشربت 10 غلاصات ماي وسلامتكم
10 أكتوبر 2008
مستوى التفاعل
قوه شلووونكم بنااات

انا ان شالله معاكم

انا متنت خلال شهر ونص 5كيلو تقريبااا من الكرتزون ومن الاكل الزايد

الاسم بنت عطا24
الطول 158
الوزن 75 :(

حياج الله معانا شدي


New member
25 فبراير 2009
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الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
صبحكم الله بالخيير :eh_s(17):

ريوقي الساعه 6.30 كان شريحة توست أسمر بالتوستر + بينت بتر + فراوله وجاي أخضر..

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

وعالساعه 8 بروح النادي إن شاء الله ..


New member
25 فبراير 2009
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الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
بنات شوفوا هاللنكات... ما قريتهم كلهم.. بس إن شاء الله راح أتفرغ لهم إذا رديت من النادي :eh_s(15):

TURN OFF THE TV: Watching TV while eating can cause you to take in 288 extra calories, study says! 25 Diet Secrets: http://ow.ly/9mmTg

For Healthy Fat In Your Diet, Include Nuts.. http://www.womenshealthmag.com/nutrition/healthy-nuts

Want faster results from hitting the gym? 5 things you should do when you're NOT exercising http://ow.ly/9jv4c

Why a weakness for a certain food can lead to uncontrolled eating! http://ow.ly/9k0uv

Get a Flat Stomach: Secret Weapons of Weight Loss.. http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/abs-diet-quickstart-meal-plan

If your destination is a healthy body & an affordable grocery tab, you need directions. How to be an effective shopper: http://ow.ly/9lEte

ام عزيز 4

New member
19 سبتمبر 2009
مستوى التفاعل
صباح الخير بنات سوري ما قدرت ادش امسكنت بالشاليه
وكان الجو حده غبار

رديت البيت ونمت من التعب
يومي امس

الريوق << توست +مرتدلا+جبن+عصيرتوت بري

الغدا <<كوب عيش+شويه باميه

سناك << بتيفور+ هوت جوكلت

العشا << سباغتي

شكلي خربتها شويه

ماعليه اليوم اعدله انشالله بالرياضه والالتزام بالدايت


New member
6 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
ابششركم بديت اليوم الحمدلله
افطرت بيضتين وكاس شاي بالزنجبيل
والضحى شربت اعشاب زنجبيل وكمون وليمون
والحين بتغدى قطعتين لحمه مسلوقه وصحن سلطة خس وجبن
العصر بيكون قهوه وتمره
بالليل ............. مدري للان حسب الموجود


New member
6 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
ياااحلااااتي شكل المكرونه مع الجبنه مغررري امممممم بالعافيه


New member
25 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
صباح الخير بنات سوري ما قدرت ادش امسكنت بالشاليه
وكان الجو حده غبار

رديت البيت ونمت من التعب
يومي امس

الريوق << توست +مرتدلا+جبن+عصيرتوت بري

الغدا <<كوب عيش+شويه باميه

سناك << بتيفور+ هوت جوكلت

العشا << سباغتي

شكلي خربتها شويه

ماعليه اليوم اعدله انشالله بالرياضه والالتزام بالدايت

عليج بالعااافيه :**

أحس بالليل خربتي شوي :p.. شدي حيلج وإن شاء الله اليوم أحسن من أمس :eh_s(9):

ابششركم بديت اليوم الحمدلله
افطرت بيضتين وكاس شاي بالزنجبيل
والضحى شربت اعشاب زنجبيل وكمون وليمون
والحين بتغدى قطعتين لحمه مسلوقه وصحن سلطة خس وجبن
العصر بيكون قهوه وتمره
بالليل ............. مدري للان حسب الموجود

علييج بالعاافييه :**


New member
25 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
ياااحلااااتي شكل المكرونه مع الجبنه مغررري امممممم بالعافيه

الله يعافييج ويخلييج :**

اي تشوق وهم طعمها حلو وأحسن من المعكرونيه البيضه :p


New member
25 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
بنات في موقع إسمه www.burn20.com... هذا موقع وحده عندي بتويتر... لمن كان وزني 66 دزيت لها مسج كنت أبي عرف جم كالوري لي باليوم :eh_s(22):... قالتلي لا تحسبين كالوريز.. إكلي من 5 لي 6 وجبات باليوم وعطتني صفحتها بالفيس بوك عشان أكلمها لأن التويتر جنه نطر منه بس 140 حرف :p... بس أنا ما اعرف حق الفيس بوك فا ما كلمتها مره ثانيه..​

وهم ما إهتميت حق كلامها على 5 لي 6 وجبات.. دشيت النت وقعدت أدور جم كالوري لي باليوم لوول.. لأن إلي كنت أبيه ما جاوبتني عليه :p

بس عقبها بفتره ما قمت أحسب كلش وقمت أحاول أوازن أكلي وآكل من 5 لي 6 وجبات باليوم..​

ماشاء الله عيها أم وعندها عيال وجسمها مشدوود :eh_s(15):..​

هذي قصتها.. إقروها تشجع :p

وهذول بعد لنكات عجبوني من الموقع .. ألقوا نظره عليهم :p

Naturally Low-sodium Snack Melts Fat

How to Lose Weight in Your Own Home

These Ingredients will Ruin your Weight Loss

How to get my Washboard Abs

The Amazing Secrets of Ginger

Why You Need Fiber Now

Don’t Let this Drink get you Fat

How ‘Diet’ Soda Is Making You Fat

Less Sleep Brings More Belly Fat

The Beauty of Water: Stay Hydrated!

Benefits of Green Tea for Weight Loss

Keeping a Diet Journal

Facts of Fat- Don’t Believe Everything You Hear

Cheat Day for Weight Loss? Huh?

Healthy Snack Ideas for Weight Loss

عالجنب بالصفحه في تسجلون عشان تدز لكم الـ 9 سيكرتس مالوتها .. أنا مسجله من زمان وكانت كل يوم تدز واحد... بس الحين أحطهم لكم مره وحده بالمشاركات اليايه :p


New member
25 فبراير 2009
مستوى التفاعل
الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
Welcome to the new you!!

You've made the first and most important step towards losing weight and getting healthy. I'm here to tell you that you CAN change your life!

Making lifelong changes can be scary and may seem impossible, but it's not! It's actually quite easy, I should know, I've done it.

Hi there, I'm Ingrid Macher, I'm the owner and founder of Burn20.com. I started this business as a hobby. But after seeing the happy, elated, surprised, and often tearful faces of those wonderful people I've helped over the years, I knew this is what I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing.

I am a business owner, fitness motivator, Certified Personal Trainer and mommy of two. I've spent years learning what works and what doesn't. I'm so happy to be able to share my 9 secrets of how I lost 55lbs, kept it off, and never looked back!

If you have ever wanted to lose weight, this is your time and this is your guide. I assure you that if you follow these step by step tips I have laid out here, you too will see the results I have.

I have a passion for helping people change their lives. I started out helping my friends and now I give advice and tips to perfect strangers who have become my friends and you can be one of my new friends too.

Do not consider this a diet plan, use it as a manual to get started on your new lifestyle. And just remember, you are not alone.

Let's do it together, are you ready?
Ok, Let's get started!

Step 1: Getting Started

Once you've made the courageous decision to take back control over your life, there are some things you need to do before you even go to the gym or put yourself on a diet. You need to walk into your kitchen, stand in the middle of it, and look around. You will consciously see the foods that you've been eating that you know are unhealthy.

Once you've pin-pointed all the unhealthy foods, toss them! That's right, throw away everything that you know you're not going to be able to eat, not for a few months at least - chips, sodas, candies, desserts, doughnuts, etc. This way, your mind knows there's no turning back. Make sure your kitchen is filled with nutritious, healthy, and delicious food!

Kitchen Makeover

After you've given your kitchen it's much needed "food make-over", it's time to fill it up. This is your time to start fresh (no pun intended).

When you go to the grocery store, make sure you don't go on an empty stomach. The hungrier you are, the more likely you'll make unhealthy decisions when buying food and you'll save money!

Go on a full stomach and here's a little trick for ya- go right after the gym, still sweaty and all (just make sure you have a small snack). Your mind will still be in "health mode". Walking down the isles, you'll be more apt to get healthy food because your still very aware of the hard work you've just put yourself through.

"Do I want that cheesecake after dinner tonight? Sure I do, but there's no way I'm wasting the calories after I just spent an hour burning them off!" That's the conversation that will be going on in your head.

Another tip you always hear is that you "need to" or "don't need to" count calories. Some say it's necessary, while others say it's a waste of time.

Here's my opinion: Read the labels.

Read the calories, the sodium, the carbs, the sugars, everything; read the entire ingredients on the back of the label.

This isn't really to count the amount of calories or carbs, but more to fully understand what you are putting into your mouth. If you have no idea how to pronounce an ingredient on the label, don't buy it.

Being tempted to purchase foods that aren't healthy for you is normal, it happens to the best of us. The trick is to not give into those temptations and to stay strong!

Do you know the difference between a person who gets in shape and a person who doesn't?
It's will power, and it only gets stronger.

You made it through your first step, not so bad, eh?

Next we'll talk about what is exactly making you gain that weight - and how to make it stop!


New member
25 فبراير 2009
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الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
Step 2: Yummy Yummy in my Tummy

Laugh all you want, but I say it like that because I love food! I'm one of those people who taste a delicious bite of heaven and do a little dance, I love it that much.

Because I love it so much, I want to clear up it's bad reputation-


It's amazing, delicious, fun, stimulating, diverse and so much more! Food brings families together and is the very essence of where we all get our energy.

The reason people always blame food for their weight is because they choose the wrong ones to eat. All food is not created equal, let's get that straight right now. It all comes down to what you eat and when you eat it.

The simple rules I'm about to introduce to you will make all the difference in the world... if you follow them.

1). Never go more than three hours without eating -
You should be eating five to six times a day, three main meals with snacks in between them. By continuously feeding your body, your metabolism speeds up as well as the digestive process.

As long as you eat five to six small meals a day, you'll burn the maximum amount of calories. However, don't be confused and think you can eat whatever you want as much as want - it doesn't work that way. Read on.

2). No carbs after lunch -
Some carbs give you more energy, but are also harder to burn. It's important to know which carbs are good carbs and which ones are bad. Good carbs are actually good for you because they supply your body with energy.

Without carbs, you wouldn't have such great workouts and would be way more tired throughout the day. There isn't really a time, ever, that you would want to eat bad carbs.

Consider bad carbs = white carbs.

And although good carbs are great for you during the day and before workouts, cut them off after lunch. That way they don't store in your body and turn to fat as your sleep at night.

Good Carbs -
Sweet Potatoes
Brown Rice
Whole Wheat Pasta
Multi-grain bread

Bad Carbs -
Baked Potatoes
White or Fried Rice
Flour Pasta
White Bread

Understanding Carbohydrates and knowing when to eat them helps so much when you're trying to lose weight. Don't let anyone tell you different - eat carbs. They will continuously give you energy to kick butt throughout the day and, frankly, make you burn calories quicker in the gym.

Just be careful which carbs you eat.
Keep this in mind: You are what you eat!

Ok Guys,
Bet ya didn't know all that went into the food you eat, huh? Don't worry, it gets easier!

Look back here tomorrow to find out why what you're drinking is the worst thing you can put into your body.



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25 فبراير 2009
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الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
Step 3: Chug Chug Chug!

Unfortunately, the sorority days are over. No more house parties, no more keg stands, and no more being able to eat whatever you want. Growing up stinks, huh?
Nah, snap out of it!

You may have been able to really party back in your younger days but it needs to stay in the past. Alcohol is one of the worst things you can put into your body when you're trying to lose weight.

- Loaded with sugar
- Impairs your judgement. Even when you're not hungry, you will allow yourself to eat whatever you want, even if it's unhealthy.
- Causes dehydration. When your body is dehydrated, it will be more likely to store fat.
- Causes depression, which again, leads to binge eating.
- Causes loss of concentration and energy

All of these are symptoms you want to stay away from while trying to live a healthy lifestyle.

I'd love to sit here and give you a list of what the healthiest cocktails, beers, and/or wines are, but the truth is, they're all bad for you. I don't recommend any alcoholic drinks for, at least, the first twenty-one days of your new eating habits.

If you can wait twenty-one years to start drinking, you can wait twenty-one days until your next one.

By not partaking in happy hour or girls night out, the weight will melt off. I lost 14lbs in those twenty-one days! Once the three week drought is over, you'll find that you really don't miss the alcohol and will continue to shed more inches.

The Drink that Will Fizz Out Your Success

Booze isn't the only thirst quencher that doesn't really quench.

Soda is another one of our no-no's. The beverage that turns teeth to an off-yellow shade has been linked to osteoporosis, obesity, tooth decay and heart disease. Soda is one of the main reasons, nutritionally speaking, why many people suffer health problems.

Aside from the negative effects of the soda itself, drinking a lot of it will likely leave you with little appetite for vegetables, protein and other food that your body needs.

A little trick I used to switch over to water was to drink it out of a straw. Pour your water in a colorful glass/cup (so you can't tell it's water), spruce it up with a little lemon and you'll get used to it in no time.

A Better Wake-up Call

I'm about to break some hearts with this one, but cut the coffee.

Yes, I know, I'm sorry! I used to insist on having my morning cup-a-joe too, I was actually sad when I realized I had to give it up. After three weeks however, I didn't even miss it. I learned to trade my coffee for green tea in the mornings.

I actually drank it throughout the whole day, that's how much I liked it. Green tea is all natural and has so many vitamins and antioxidants, I felt relaxed and rejuvenated after drinking it. I felt so much better throughout the day!

Caffeine from coffee is a stimulant that targets the central nervous system and is followed by a depressed phase, resulting in - exhaustion, nervousness, irritability, fatigue, and often headache.

Those side affects are just not worth the short lived wake-up call.

I want to hear from you all!

How do you guys feel about that? Think you can give up those evils?

This was one of the most challenging parts of getting fit for me. Sometimes it was hard, sometimes it was easy. But stick to it through the thick and thin, it'll be worth it and I'll be here to hear you vent for caffeine :)

Tomorrow we'll talk about choices. How you are making the wrong ones every day and how you can fix it.



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25 فبراير 2009
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الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
Step 4: Smart Decisions

The small tasks I'm about to tell you about absolutely saved my healthy eating habits; they are what kept me going and made everything easier.

Changing your lifestyle to get healthy & hot takes time; it's something that you have to constantly be prepared for.

To eat healthy means you have to **** your own meals in order to fully know what's in the food you're eating. This is because in the beginning stages of losing weight, you WILL have temptations, and those temptations will be so strong that it's going to take all of your will power to ignore them.

I don't want to discourage you by saying that, but I do want you to be aware of how vital this step is.

Make Time to Lose Weight

Most people don't have much free time in their schedule, but in order for this to work, you need to make some time to prepare the healthy foods you want to eat in advance.

I chose Sunday afternoons. Every Sunday afternoon I'd cut up and separate my lean meats (chicken breasts, turkey, and fish) into the portion sizes I wanted each day, cleaned and cut veggies, boiled brown rice, and mixed together tons of lettuce and raw veggies to make a salad. I also sectioned off amounts of sliced apples, nuts, and raw broccoli to munch on for snacks.

This works because when I was hungry throughout the week, the food I was allowed to eat was right there and ready for my consumption. I didn't have those few minutes of questioning if I was going to cheat.

Pack your lunch so you're not temped by co-workers. When all the work in preparing the fresh, healthy food is done, the eating healthy part is actually easy. You will get so used to this routine, it'll become a habit, which is the point!

It may seem like wasted time, but sacrifice a couple hours and get a weeks worth success. Make things easy on yourself!

Modify Your Restaurant Experience

You need to make smart decisions when you are going out to eat as well. I don't encourage people to eat out at all during the first 21 days of their new eating habit ways because it's hard to chose a healthy meal when you're still new to knowing exactly what you are allowed to have.

However, I know restaurants are a huge part of our lives, so use these tips when dining out:

Order grilled/broiled/baked (anything but fried) chicken, veggies, a salad with a little bit of oil and vinegar dressing on the side (always on the side!), and don't forget to pass on the alcohol and soda.

Don't be afraid to ask your waiter to modify your meal according to your healthy preferences. Most restaurants don't mind and it's normally a quick fix for the chef.

Oh yeah, and the second you sit down tell the waiter "No Bread!"

The secret is to be 100% prepared when it comes to your food. Have meals and snacks ready for the moment you get hungry.

That's not so hard right?
And if you stick to these new strategies, it will make a BIG difference!

Tomorrow our discussion will be no shock to you. But you will learn how to do (and love) what you now hate, trust me.



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25 فبراير 2009
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الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
Step 5: Get Active

- Taking the stairs instead of the elevator
- Parking further away from a building
- Walking to nearby places instead of driving
- Riding a bike with your kids instead of watching them

These are all examples of very small tweaks in your daily life that will make a huge impact!

This really isn't even considered exercising if you ask most people. This is just a matter of choosing a healthy alternative as opposed to an unhealthy one.

It may seem like nothing, or a waste of time, but trust me - do these actions on a daily basis and you'll see results.

Kick it into Overdrive

Making those minor changes is a great start to getting active, but you'll need to step it up a notch in order to get the quick results I had. Going to the gym a few times a week is important to any fitness goal; I, on the other hand, received my results by going to a fitness center five to six times a week.

I've found that if you have a workout buddy, you will be more likely to commit to the gym. A workout buddy is someone who can hold you accountable, as you will do for them.

Even when you don't want to go workout, knowing a friend is waiting for you will, maybe reluctantly, make you go. Of course, once you get there, you'll be glad they made you hold up to your end of the bargain. Besides, a workout buddy is also a little friendly competition.

Maybe a few of you don't want to sign up for the gym. I'm the first person to admit that you can still get a great workout from home. However, in the first few months of someone just starting to workout, I highly recommend going to a fitness center. It is just a place where you can get inspired to lose weight and get healthy.

Also, and be honest, if you haven't worked out in years, are you really going to motivate yourself to work out in your living room?

Even if you do, it's rare that a person will workout to their full ability knowing Friends is on T.V. A gym membership, on average, is broken down to being less then $2 a day, at most!

Your health is worth it and I know you'll be glad you made the investment.

Nothings Ever Going to Change, if it Doesn't Change

Now that you're going to the gym, don't be afraid to mix it up a bit. Your body responds better to variety.

Jump into a spin class or bring a friend to kickboxing. These offer great cardio workouts as well as help strengthen muscles.

Another motivational boost is to take the workout outdoors! Go for a hike, rent canoes, or go mountain biking. They are all great ways to prevent boredom at the gym.

By this time you should start seeing the pattern of simply changing bad habits for good ones.

Something that comes so easy, is what we all lack.
And not enough - leads to extreme belly fat!

Meet me back here tomorrow.

See ya then!​
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