وهذي بعد برزنتيشنات سهلة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بعد البحث والتحري هذه هي المواضيع التي وجدتها ونقلتها لكم وان شالله تستفيدون منها .
هذا الأول
gulf arab countries
The six Gulf Arab counties are Kuwait , Saudi Arabia , the U.A.E , Bahrain , Oman and Qatar . Kuwait is a gulf Arab country. Saudi Arabia has the biggest population .Bahrain is an island. Gulf Arab countries are famous for oil .The national language is Arabic in the Gulf Arab countries and Islam is religion .
وهذا الثاني
fast food
There are many fast food restaurants in Kuwait like : Pizza hut , burger king , McDonalds and Hardeez .
they have delicious meals .but with very high calories . so you should not have the meals every day because you will gain weight . fast meals also called " junk food " because it has low value .
the best thing is to eat fresh and healthy food every day like fruit and vegetables, fish and milk.
وهذا الثالث
my beautiful country
Kuwait is a beautiful country. And the features of the State of Kuwait beautiful and many of them : the Kuwait towers-city entertainment and zoo. The State of Kuwait is a good and safe person who comes to Kuwait and says they love become his second. For example, all go to a place we see people from other countries operate in Kuwait. Because of Kuwait give them salaries strong. Finally, I want to say that Kuwait is a good country and respects other people
وهذا الرابع
My favourite hobby
My favourite hobby is reading stories.
I read stories in my freetime.
I enjoy reading stories in the school library.
My favourite story is Tom Thumb
وبس هذا حصيلتي اشرايكم عجبوكم ولا لأ؟
لاتنسون تدعون حق عيالي بالتوفيق والهداية والصلاح