التطبيق الرائع لعمل نسخة إحتياطية ROM Settings Backup Pro

20 يناير 2016
مستوى التفاعل
التطبيق الرائع لعمل نسخة إحتياطية من الروم وإسترجاعها بنقرة واحدة في حالة ضياعه مع آخر إصدارات التطبيق المدفوع
ROM Settings Backup Pro
This is ROM Settings Backup PRO, a tool for saving your ROM settings and restoring them after flashing ROMs and wiping /data Pro Features: - Backup/restore profiles - Backup/restore privacy guard settings - Backup/restore keyboard (AOSP) settings - Backup/restore accounts - Settings Manager (choose which settings should get restored) - configurable interval for backup scheduling - no ads​
You put really much time in setting up your Accounts, StatusBar, NavigationBar, Lockscreen, Privacy, etc and want to make a clean flash of your personal ROM? No problem, just do a backup of all your settings and restore them after flashing.​
Screen Shots
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Additional information
Size 4MB