C'est La Vie
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انا ودي اني اقترح كتابين عاد اختاروا منهم
misery by steven king which is a thriller
or the secret window by the same writer which also is a thriller
انا قارية misery من قبل مو وايد كبيرة مثل قصص ستيفن المعتادة و تخليج على اعصابج طوال القرائة
اما the secret window للحين ما قريتها بس شفت الفلم رهييييييبة القصة, اهي موجودة بقصة ضمن اربع قصص مجمعينها في كتاب واحد هذي صورته
هذا الريفيو تبعه
In "The Langoliers," a handful of people fall alseep on an airplane...they then wake up in a world without life, still in the plane. It is full of great characterization and suspense, along with a few twists! A personal favorite.
In "Secret Window, Secret Garden," a writer, Mort, is accused of plagerism...this story turns into much more than that, however. It's really shocking, and hard to call if you haven't see the movie (Secret Window).
In "The Library Policeman," the main character (can't recall the man) is haunted by his childhood fear of "the library policeman". However, that fear is rational...for the Library Policeman...is real!
In "The Sun Dog," Keven gets a camera with a haunting effect..it has the picture of a a dog slowly moving. Very haunting and creeping, with a masterful ending!!!!
"Four Past Midnight" is a collection of novellas that are all amazing. HOWEVER, please note that the reader must be able to stretch his mind in all cases, as many of the stories are unrealistic.
تصدقون عاد احس ان هذا الكتاب ينفع لانه قصص وايد كل قصه يمكن فيها 200 صفحة ناخذ فيه شهر تقريبا
i highly recommend this book
حبيبتي اختاري واحد منهم
وبيكون آخر كتاب يدش للتصويت
1. things fall apart
2. for one more day
3. Khaled Hosseini | A Thousand Splendid Suns
4. ps I love you
5. ؟؟؟