يومياتي بالصور ولمده 3 اشهر متواصله حياكم ..

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.
26 يوليو 2010
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الله يحفظك يافهههده

تروحين وترجعين بسلامه
7 ديسمبر 2011
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فهده تروحي وترجعي ببالسلامه وهلا هلا بالهدايه
ونبي صور اشاياء حلويات اكلات حشوانه تفكيرها اكل<<<<بتنطق

ياحلاتي يارب اقدر ادعولي تكفون مو اجازه هاذي حرررررررررررب

باقي البنات الله يعيناويثبنا


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25 فبراير 2009
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الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
صبحكم الله بالخيير :eh_s(7):

تريقت قريب فروت + شريحتين توست أسمر بالتوستر + جبن حلوم قليل الدسم + زعتر + جاي أخضر ..

وما راح أروح النادي اليوم :(.. عندي جم شغله بروح أسويها :/

ام عزيز 4

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19 سبتمبر 2009
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اهلين صباح النور ... حلاتي

تريقت << ٢توست +لبنه+زيتـ+زعتر+نص طماطه+نعناع



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25 فبراير 2009
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الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت
هذي النوت.. في أشياء شوي مالها داعي.. ما فرزتهم بس كل إلي عندي بحطه :D... إخذوا إلي تبونه وخلوا الباجي :p


Health & Fitness

Workout, Eat Healthy, Look Good!

Through exercise you may "feel" the difference,but it takes healthy eating habits to "see" the difference

FOR A “FAT SIZZLING” METABOLISM: Breakfast, Snack, Lunch,Snack, Dinner, Snack

Lean meats or casein protein before bedtime can help build& repair muscle fibers overnight

"Clear your mind of can’t"

Fat Belly Foods:

1.) Pasta from white flour

2.) Fried Foods

3.) Junk food

4.) Sweets

5.) White Rice

6.) White Bread

7.) Most cereals

Flat Belly Foods:

1.) Almonds

2.) Oatmeal

3.) Eggs

4.) Spinach

5.) Beans

6.) Apples

7.) Fish

8.) Skinless chicken breast

9.) Turkey

10.) Lean steaks

11.) Roast beef

12.) Vegetables

13.) Fruits

14.) Seeds

*DITCH THE SCALE* The scale doesn't give a muscle to fatratio taking muscle gains into consideration, it only represents overall weight

*AVOID STARVING* "Starvation mode" slows themetabolism prompting it to burn fewer calories because it isn't getting enoughof them


"Cortisol" is a stress hormone secreted from youradrenal gland in an attempt to store belly fat when you skip meals

TAKE A DIP: Ranked amongst the leading cardio activities forcalorie expenditure, "swimming" can torch up to 372 calories/hr


1.) Drink more water

2.) Eat more protein & fiber

3.) Eat 5 to 6 small meals/day. Don't eat more carbs thanyou need! (carb cycle)

4.) Perform supersets w/ more compound movement exercises

5.) Choose short intense interval cardio sessions over longmoderate cardio

Building Muscle Mass & Fat loss can be donesimultameously but the process is slower than completing one goal before theother

Building Muscle Mass & Fat Loss are two seperate goalsand should be pursued seperately for best results

One of the biggest mistakes in fitness is trying toaccomplish too many goals at once...

Minimizing sodium (salt) intake while increasing waterconsumption is the quickest way to shed your first few pounds

When performing the following exercises *Bench, Shoulder,& Leg press* avoid locking out joints; doing so takes the focus off of themuscles

Bench Press & Squats are best at raising heart ratewhile improving lung strength 2x more than aerobics -Study of Exercise Science

GOT SLEEP? Lack of sleep drops growth hormone levels whichreduces muscle strength, mass, weakens immune system & increases fatstorage

DONT LET YOUR MUSCLES WASH AWAY: Muscles are composed of 65%water, not consuming enough water will cause muscles size to decrease

A study from the University of Connecticut (UCONN) provedthat subjects performed more reps while exercising when properly hydrated

Spanish scientists find that up tempo ab exercises improvemuscle definition development substantially by activating more muscle fibers

During weight training, allow more time on the"eccentric motions" (lowering & releasing of the weight) toimprove strength by 46%

The more muscle groups trained in a workout,the higher theboost in the anabolic (muscle building) hormones, testosterone & growthhormones

Top 5 reasons for FAT gain:

1) Skipping Meals

2) Too Much Sugar

3) Inadequate Sleep

4) Excessive "High Glycemic" Carbs

5) Inactivity

The last bit of fat storage below the belly button is besttargeted w/ "high intensity" cardio such as sprints along w/ morefrequent meals

Abdominal muscles are best revealed by healthy eating habits& cardio which decreases the overall body fat%

Misconception: to reveal the lower region of the abdominalmuscles one must concentrate on lower abdominal exercises



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25 فبراير 2009
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Healthy protein sources usually consumed @ breakfast: eggs,quinoa, skim milk, yogurt, omelets, cottage cheese, oatmeal, peanut butter

More protein sources usually consumed @ breakfast: highfiber/protein cereal, protein shakes, protein bars, whole grains, low fatdairy, etc

Eat to power up your metabolism! The worst breakfast onEarth is not having one at all

“Determination today leads to success tomorrow” –Anonymous

Many long term health risk are associated with individualswho regularly get under 6hrs of sleep

WHEY'S THE WAY: for best results take fast-acting wheyprotein after resistance exercise -Journal International Society of SportsNutrition

Starving your body & skipping meals only makes your bodylose muscle & hold fat, lighter on a scale but flabby in appearance

Abdominal exercises should be performed post workout orafter a warm-up when they're fully flexible


1.) 15 mins Swimming

2.) 10 mins Jump Roping

3.) 20 mins of Bike Riding

4.) 10 mins jogging

5.) 10 mins boxing

4 Moves for Shirt Splitting Biceps:

1.) Straight Bar Curls

2.) Incline Dumbbell Curls

3.) Preacher Curls

4.) Cable Curls




LETS RIDE: Cycling is ideal for toning legs & lowerabdominal regions; the average person burns around 500-600 calories in a spinclass

Studies show that sprints & other "highintensity" cardio exercises continue to burn calories long after you'redone

You cannot crunch your way to a "six pack"!Crunches simply build the muscles, healthy eating habits reveal them

Misconception: you can target areas to burn fat from. Wrong!When fat is lost it comes off from everywhere, dropping your overall body fat%

The worst way to eat, causing a weight gain in fat is a (lowprotein & high glycemic index carb) Diet -New England Journal of Medicine

*DON'T WORKOUT SORE MUSCLES* Muscle fibers are in theprocess of rebuilding & need recovery time, proper nutrition w/ light movementhelps

Oxford nutrition scientists have confirmed that protein isthe food for firm ABS

4 Common Muscle Mistakes:

1.) You don't train legs

2.) You run too much

3.) You lift too slowly

4.) You stay in your comfort zone

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”-Jim Rohn

Lost weight but still lacking muscle tone? Skipping meals,insufficient protein, and neglecting weight training can be probable causes

JUMP SQUATS: are best for Improving overall lower body powerand vertical leap -Strength and conditioning journal

*FIBER POWER* Fruits, Vegetables, Whole Grains, Nuts, Seeds,Beans, & Legumes

Fiber is crucial to achieving a flat stomach. If you're notletting your food go it's resting in your large intestine

CARDIO & MUSCLE: Researchers at University of Calgaryclaim cardio may improve your ability to pack on muscle by reducing myostatinlevels

TOO MUCH CARDIO? Studies indicate that prolonged cardiotraining can actually diminish the muscle-building effects of resistancetraining

Too much cardio forces the body to break down muscle forfuel; compare the physiques of Olympic sprinters to long distance runners

Stay home & prepare your own meals: “Stomach Flatter,Pockets Fatter”

The United States Department of Agriculture calculated thatwe consume an extra 106 calories every time we eat out

Results speed up drastically when healthy eating habitscompliment your workout efforts

BIGGEST TRAINING ERROR: Failure to eat or consume a proteinshake after a workout

Individuals on a higher protein diet burn significantly morefat during exercise than hose w/ a lower protein diet -Physiology &Behavior

Fat tends to leave areas they were last accumulated 1st Ex:If one gained stomach, back, face fat in that order, it would leave in reverse

Fat loss is more like a marathon than a sprint, fat depositswill eventually go away with "persistent" healthy eating habits &exercise

Weight training w/ a mouthpiece lowers the release ofcortisol (stress hormone that breaks down proteins) -Journal of StrengthConditioning

University of Massachusetts research shows men who regularlyskip breakfast increase their chances of having belly fat by 450%

DID YOU KNOW? Upon waking your body has fasted for roughly8hrs, breakfast is essential to crank up your metabolism in the a.m

FIRST 38: The max amount of mins you should allow to pastafter waking to eat breakfast (pre-breakfast cardio is an exception)

Wide grip curls target the inner bicep muscles while closergrip curls target the outer biceps

They're good fats & bad fats. It’s impossible to LOSEfat if you don't eat the good fats

Good fats: fish, eggs, coconut oil, avocado, olive oil, fishoil, seeds, and raw nuts such as almonds, walnuts, peanuts etc.

Bad fats: sweets, candy, white breads, packaged foods, fastfoods, grease, sugar, cakes, etc.

Fats aren't your enemy, sugar is! Healthy fats help loweryour cholesterol & speed up your metabolism

European study finds that green tea drunk within two hoursafter a meal increases fat breakdown by a third


Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment -Jim Rohn

Always eat within the first 20mins post-workout to replenishnutrients & prevent the secretion of stress hormones
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25 فبراير 2009
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Top 5 fat burning Vegetables: broccoli, spinach, greens, tomatoes, peppers

Top 5 Fat burning Fruits: Apples, Grapefruit, Blueberries, Pineapple, Strawberries

Click this link to find your body type and how to reach "YOUR" ideal physique http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/becker3.htm

A clean diet should consist of lean meats, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, & seeds

H20: Drink water during your workouts. Research shows that hydrated muscles can perform more reps

A 30min intense workout yields more results than a 2hr lazy workout

SMALLER DISHES,SMALLER STOMACH Food scientists at Cornell University state that people tend to eat as much food as will fit on their plates

Increasing the resistance on elliptical machines & the incline on treadmills helps burn more calories, while toning legs & glutes

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started" -Mark Twain

Eating habits must compliment fitness goals for success; Your ideal physique is a recipe...eat accordingly

*Leg Press* Placing feet higher on the sled hits glutes & hamstrings more effectively while placing feet lower better target quads

Research shows weight training boosts metabolic rate by 30-40% increasing fat burning

*6 small meals* signals your body that it will always receive food, resulting in the release of all stored emergency fat

People eating 6 small meals/day have 5% lower cholesterol levels than those eating 1 or 2 large meals/day -British Medical Journal

FOR A "FAT SIZZLING" METABOLISM: Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Snack

IT'S TRUE, BREAKFAST IS IMPORTANT: Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals people who regularly skip breakfast add 1.8" to their waistlines

A Scientific study showed subjects who performed 4-6 30sec sprints 3x/week burned twice as much fat as those who jogged for 30-60mins

MUSCLES OVERNIGHT? During sleep marks the rebuilding phase of muscle fibers that have been trained, sleep is mandatory for growth

Research suggests that morning exercise improves sleep, a benefit that also helps promote weight loss

Evaluate "today" to plan for a better "tomorrow"

*ON THE ROCKS* Ice cold water burns more calories because your body works to bring it to normal temperature

Studies at Univ of Arkansas proved that in 45min, trainees who used interval training burned 50% more calories those using moderate cardio

Worlds Healthiest Grains: Barley, Brown rice, Buckwheat, Corn, Millet, Oats, Quinoa, Rye, Spelt, Whole wheat

Harvard Medical School research shows that lack of sleep disrupts hormonal balance causing weight gain

Typically consumed before bedtime, "Casein protein" is a slow digesting protein that continues to feed muscles long after whey protein

Steer clear of fast digesting carbs and sweets before bedtime to avoid additional fat storage

Decrease water retention by eating a low sodium (salt) diet and consuming more water

Excess "water weight" can hinder muscular definition, resulting in a loose physical appearance

Morning cardio helps release Endorphins (the feel good hormone) leaving you energized throughout the day

Oxford nutrition scientists have confirmed that protein is the food for firm ABS

*IMPORTANT* When running, be sure to keep your torso straight & shoulders back lifting your feet higher to avoid "Runners Pooch"

Conditioning professionals claim "Pool cardio" burns fat 25% faster than "Land-based cardio"

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” -George Shaw

4 MOVES FOR "DIAMOND CUT" CALF MUSCLES: Seated Calf Raises, Standing Calf Raises w/ Dumbbells, Calf Press, Donkey Calf Raises

SWITCH IT UP: avoid plateaus by making changes to your workout, study show that muscles can get use to an exercise in little as 5 workouts

The worst way to eat, causing a weight gain in fat is a (low protein & high glycemic index carb) Diet -New England Journal of Medicine

Research finds that it takes 15mins for your brain to signal that you're full, slow down while eating meals to consume 10% less

Fast metabolism & can't gain muscle mass? Fuel with carbohydrates during your exercise! -Skolnik (MS Nutrient timing expert)

BEGINNER LEG WORKOUT: Leg press 3 sets of 15/12/10; Leg extensions 2 sets of 10; Leg curls 2 sets of 10; Seated calf raises 2 sets of 12/10

TOP 5 GLUTE TONING MOVES: Squats, Lunges, Hip Extensions, Step Ups, One-Legged Deadlifts

*Six Pack Secret* Squats work your core muscles better than many AB Exercises do

Studies show individuals who wait until they feel starved to eat typically end up overeating causing fat storage

Lost weight but still lacking muscle tone? Skipping meals, insufficient protein, and neglecting weight training can be probable causes
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25 فبراير 2009
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Free weights tend to bring more definition because you haveto use your stabilizing muscles to balance the weight

Remember "Cardio" burns calories when you do it."Muscle" burns calories 24/7

If you wait until you feel hungry to eat, you've probablywaited too long

Did You Know? French fries, chips, sweetened drinks &processed meats contribute to the most weight gain -New England Journal ofMedicine

Tufts University study finds that choosing wheat bread &brown rice over white will reduce belly fat by 10%

For best AB training results, work lower abdominals 1stfollowed by upper abdominals then obliques

A Study conducted at Virginia University shows thatregularly skipping breakfast increases your risk of obesity by 450%

Less than 7 hours of sleep a night causes an average weightgain of 11 pounds in 6 years

Eating late at night makes you fat

GET YOUR REST: Sleepy women eat an extra 328 calories/day,says new NY Obesity Research Center study

To avoid additional fat storage avoid late night consumptionof carbohydrates

Researchers from Syracuse University find that supersetsenhance fat-loss and provide a quicker workout

"Supersets" are when two separate exercises areperformed in a row without stopping, typically switching back and forth betweenthe two

*STRETCH* Longer muscle fibers permit faster contractionspeeds resulting in greater power

Scientists at Bringham Young University prove thatstretching makes you stronger

Misconception one should focus only on weight loss andcardio before attempting to build muscle

"Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, setgoals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner" -Les Brown

Preparing meals & snacks for the week is the easiest wayto fit your diet into a busy schedule and avoid unhealthy food choices

For mass, drop the dumbbells and hit the machines to focuson compound muscles allowing you to push more weight

Women Body Fat %: Athletes 14-20% Fitness 21-24% Acceptable25-30% Obese 31%+

The more "muscle" your body has the less"fat" it feels it needs

In a study, Scientists from the University of Sydney inAustralia found that faster reps increased strength & power more thanslower reps

EAT FRUITS DON'T DRINK THEM: Eating the whole fruit overdrinking the juice yields more fiber and contains about 48% less calories

"Never neglect an opportunity for improvement"

*Important* weight lifting stiffens blood vessels over time,incorporate some cardio in your workout to regulate blood flow properly

*Almonds* Help build muscle, fight cravings, and burnabdominal flab

5 Rules for gaining mass:

1.) No more than 6 reps/set. If you can lift more than 6reps/set IT'S NOT HEAVY ENOUGH!

2.) Eat more! One should consume atlest 1gram of protein perpound of his/her body weight. Don't skimp on carbs.

3.) Rest no more than 30-60secs between sets

4.) Allow 2-4 seconds on eccentric motions (releasing &lowering of weights)

5.) Use a spotter to complete "NEGATIVE REPS"(reps that require assistance once muscles have reached failure)

5 rules for cuts & definition:

1.) Drink more water

2.) Eat more fiber

3.) Don't eat more carbs than you need, increase proteinintake

4.) More Reps

5.) Choose short intense cardio sessions over long moderatecardio

Morning workouts help to release endorphins, promoting abetter mood and more ENERGY throughout the day

Regularly skipping meals causes the secretion of"cortisol" leading to fat storage typically in the abdominal region

15 simple ways to burn more fat! #1: Don’t diet! All 15: http://ow.ly/8YX6E

PRINT AND GO: The best 100-calorie snacks in a freeprintable guide... http://ow.ly/8Xwpg

Do you stretch enough? How flexible are you? Download ourFREE printable stretching workout & get bendy: http://ow.ly/8Uw6L

Heart-healthy AND delicious: Wheat pasta with walnuts,spinach, & mozzarella http://ow.ly/8TRls

A 40-minute spinning class can fry 500 CALORIES! Try our DIYversion: http://ow.ly/8RO71

Try these: 8 no-crunch moves that’ll have you saying, “Oooh!I have abs!” http://ow.ly/8RLQk

7 key ways to keep your breasts healthy (andcancer-free!)—#1: Maintain a HEALTHY weight: http://ow.ly/8RMt4

Want sexy, toned abs? Try these 4 moves! VIDEO: http://ow.ly/8QlwM

The ideal nap length is 30 minutes. Why? It’s right beforeyou enter deep sleep, so you prevent grogginess!

The number one way to get abs is to lose the belly fat.Doing 1000 crunches help, but results are from eating healthy.

Olive oil will help improve the health of your joints...It's a natural anti-inflammatory :)

Wake up and realize you can do anything in this entire worldthat you want to do! #BELIEVE IT

Tip: Drinking 25 grams of whey protein immediately afteryour workout is more effective than consuming a little bit of it throughout theday

Build and maintain a lean muscle body with quality proteinand healthy complex carbs!

Science proves that if you fell happy on the inside, youroutsides take on a healthier, even younger look.

The hardest part of a workout is to smile! Smile, enjoyyourself, love what you're doing and your body will respond well

Most sodium and sugar is "hidden" in foods such asfast food & processed foods. Commit to cooking for yourself and yourfamily, it'll help!

Never underestimate the power of a protein shake. Wheneveryou need a quick snack, that's your go to item!

When every you feel like you want to give up on yourworkout... just remember how good it feels afterwards!
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25 فبراير 2009
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You'll burn 37% more calories if you have a vigorous workoutsession than a regular session. Work harder to see more results

When you get less than eight hours of sleep, researcher sayyou may feel more unattractive and feel like you're being judged.

I have a feeling you can do a lot more than you think youcan.... GO FOR IT!

For healthy looking skin, eat a diet high in minerals,vitamins, and protein. And drink a lot of water which is your own naturalcollagen

Sugar is not the answer if you're tired. It causes bloodsugar to spike, giving you a quick high, but leaving more tired than before.

Protein is crucial to healing microscopic muscle tears thatoccur during exercise.

Exercise is an antistress & antidepressant- Eat healthyfoods, get enough sleep & EXERCISE. No more drugs, let exercising is yourcure!

I know we're all really busy during the holidays, but makesure you're getting 6-8 hours of sleep! Helps prevent belly fat &grouchiness

Keep your heart rate up by jumping rope between exercises.This is a great idea for interval training too

Remember to eat 5-6 healthy meals a day!

Your brain is the one that tells your body to keep going,it's your muscles that try to give up. Keep them energized with protein

3 rules to make ur workout fun- Be safe, work hard (break asweat) & love how you feel!

What you eat directly influences your performance at thegym. Your diet matters just as much as exercising!

Full range of motion stretching will increase our blood flowand speed up recovery time.

Interval training unleashes hormones (epinephrine) that helpyour body to continue to burn calories, even after your workout

Remember that the right warm-up can help you blast fatquicker, improve flexibility & decrease risk of injury

The same micro-tears that cause muscle soreness, causemuscle building. Being sore 24-48 hrs after a killer workout is normal.

Common signs of over-training are exhaustion, constantsoreness, headaches, and loss enthusiasm.

? of your brain is composed of fat. A fit brain needshealthy fats to work to its max!

A dynamic warm-up will enhance blood flow to your muscles,making them less prone to damage.

Shorter rest periods during workouts release more HGH, whichwill help burn more fat!

Want a yummy healthy drink? A virgin strawberry margarita:fresh strawberries, honey, water, lime juice. Blend with ice!

TIP FOR THE WEEKEND: Research shows restaurant sizes are250% larger than normal servings! Put 1/2 in a to-go box before you starteating

Your body needs protein to build lean muscle. It will alsocontinue to burn calories by 35% even after you eat it!

Don't be afraid to check the nutrients page on a restaurantswebsite before going out to eat, you will be shocked

To reduce soreness, ease into new workouts. Take your timelearning proper movements

Don't peel your apples! The skin has ursolic acid asubstance that promotes muscle growth!

Ground Flaxseeds have a huge amount of fatty acids ourbodies need. Try them over oats or on your veggies yummm!

Blueberries are one of the best sources to improve memory!

First step to success? Enjoying your workout!

Reserve one or two rest days throughout the week. You willhave better workouts and will be less likely to get burnt out

Eating healthy isn't complicated. The body knows what itneeds to do, it's the brain that makes the mistakes

Have no limits. Know what you want and go for it. You arethe only one who can accomplish YOUR goals.

Don't be a cardio person, combine it with lifting weights tohelp get you leaner than ever and the physical appreance you want!

Commercial Cardio = Doing some type of cardio during yourfavorite shows. 10 commercials burns 200 cals!

Studies show people who watch TV and eat at the same timeconsume an extra 288 calories a day! Turn off the tube

Studies show people who get less than 6 hours of sleep, eatup to 200 more calories a day. Get your ZzZzZz's in

Quick tip- Use hummus or mustard on your roll instead ofmayo- you're cutting about 200 calories

It takes about 20-30 mins for your body to register you'refull. Eat slower to help it know when to stop eating!

Invest in a pedometer. Aim to walk 10,000 steps (5 miles) aday and you'll have burned 500 calories.

By cutting your portions down 25%, you'll cut 500 calorieswithout even noticing it on your plate :) Try it!

Kickboxing can burn up to 113 calories in just 10 minutes!Lace up those gloves and get movin'

Although you may look silly, simply standing at your deskrather than sitting will burn 500 calories a day.

Did you know...Walking over hilly land burns about 500 caloriesan hour and shapes your hips and booty!

You can burn up to 5x more fat by alternating speeds insteadof trotting along at the same speed.

Fun Fact: 10% more calories are burned when walking outsidethan on the treadmill at the same speed. Take it outdoors!

Power is to generate as much force as quickly as possible;Strength is to generate as much force as possible, without being timed.

The number one way to get abs is to lose the belly fat.Doing 1000 crunches help, but results are from eating healthy.

The hardest things to accomplish are always the sweetestvictories.

The weekend is a break from work, not your diet. Remember,you get one cheat meal, otherwise, stay on track

Are you taking enough time to enjoy life? Don't let yourdiet own you, make it work FOR you!

During a workout, listen to your body. You know it best!It's great to push yourself to new limits, but don't get hurt over it!

When your dieting and exercising, but still in a rut withresults, look at your sleep habits. Get at least 6-7 hours!
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25 فبراير 2009
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Carbs are not a bad thing! Just know when to eat them(earlier in the day for energy). Just stay away from white carbs!

Try this trick-Chew 25x & put your fork down betweenbites. It'll improve digestion and avoid bloating

Who wants to get strong?! Always listen to your body, you'rethe one who knows your limits best. You'll perform better if you listen to it.

Train hard, or go home!

Relieve your muscle tension, improve your posture, balance,& recovery time by practicing flexibility training

Remember that our bodies need protein each day to maintainand repair your muscles after exercising.

Did you know that ginger increases oxygen consumption bymuscles, which burns more calories?

Remember that eating the protein bars doesn't compare toeating a good, nutritious, clean meal.

Always choose the fruit itself - full of fiber- instead offruit juices - full of sugar-.

Sleeping the right amount of time not only will give youmore energy, but also will help you to be happier.

Did you know that sleeping less than five hours every nightmight produce belly fat?

When you eat fruits, make sure you also have a high-proteinfood to keep your blood sugar stable.

Stay hydrated by eating fruits and veggies thoughout theday.

Always read the product label to find out how much sugar,sodium, carbs, and fat it contains before you eat it

Avoid the excess of salt in your food because it makes youretain water

The best time to workout is the morning, since your energylevel is higher

Drinking green tea before you start to workout will increaseyour energy, hence improve your performance

Do you know that drinking cold water when you exercise willhelp you burn more calories

Always bring a bottle of water, a towel, and your Ipod whenyou go to the gym

Remember that losing weight is not only a diet but alifestyle!

Change your exercise routine to prevent boredom

Aminos are the greatest supplement for your muscles beforeand after workout

Always eat breakfast before your workout

Have a protein powder shake with water and flax seeds 30minutes before you go to bed, this will help you boost your metabolism

Eat a small meal at least 5 or 6 times a day to burst yourmetabolism

Try to lift weights at least 3 times a week to buildstronger muscles

40 minutes of cardio 5 times a week, will help you to loseweight fast.

Drink water, at least 8 glasses a day

Remember to drink EXTRA water when you are taking extrafiber.

Avoid fried food, and choose grilled, boiled, broiled orsteamed food.

Always eat immediately after workout to restore your muscles

Spinning is a very exciting and interesting class, not onlydo you burn tons of calories, but also stimulate your spirit!

Change your workout routine every month, it will shock yourmuscles & force your body to adapt, and give you something new & freshto do!

After the gym, having a protein shake is the best for yourmuscles, it will help them to recover fast!

Scientist from the University of Wisconsin conclude thatphysical activity alone is overrated as a weight loss method


1.) Add more weight

2.) Add more reps

3.) Less rest between sets

4.) Incorporate supersets

A "Six-Pack" becomes visible on males once bodyfat drops to around 10%, females 14% to 18%


1.) Bicycle Crunches

2.) Captain's Chair Leg Raises

3.) Reverse Crunches

4.) Planks

5.) Exercise Ball Crunches

Its Friday! Remember these words GRILLED, BAKED, BROILED& STEAMED vs. FRIED, CREAMY, SAUTEED& PAN SEARED when you dine outtonight Enjoy!

The best time for doing Yoga is in the morning,beforebreakfast. It is the time,when our mind is calm,and the body movements can bedone.

Most people only take an average of about 5,000 steps a day,but experts recommend taking at least 10,000 steps a day.

Combination of fiber and water enables you to feel fulllonger, important for weight control.

Spinning can burn upwards of 600 calories per hour whiletoning you thighs, calves and buttocks.

A grapefruit a day in addition to your regular meals canspeed weight loss.

A cool bath immediately after a long or hard run will helpyou avoid stiffness and recover faster.

Stick with nutrient dense foods which contain lean proteins,whole grain starches and unprocessed foods for your daily meal plans.

Drinking a lot of water everyday is a god habit that youmust develop. Try drinking around one gallon of water daily or more, ifpossible.

Doctors recommend you eat less than 2.4 grams of sodium perday. That equals one tablespoon of table salt a day!

Help prevent cancer by cutting down on steaks, hamburgers,sausages and other red meat.

Start every restaurant meal with a salad with dressing onthe side.

With exercise, to get started, you need to have the urge andconfidence in yourself.

Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals,water and fiber, plus they are relatively low in calories.

Since the back tends to get injured, exercise the muscles nomore than 3 times a week and rest in between.

Pace yourself. If you are just starting out with a walkingprogram, you should try to work up to a pace of at least 3 mph.

Keep a careful watch on your sodium intake be reading foodlabels.

Fat in the gut, or the abdominal fat as we call it is farmore dangerous and hazardous than the fat found in your hips, your thighs or butt.
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25 فبراير 2009
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Exercise doesn't just help you burn fat; it also builds andshape muscles, giving them the tone,strength and the endurance for performance.

Shop the outer ring of grocery store for the healthy stuff,stay out of the middle for the less healthy stuff.

Each exercise should be executed until the point ofmomentary muscular failure, which should happen between 30 and 90 seconds.

Water helps hydrate your body (obviously) and helps buildmuscle.

Skipping meals can lead to out-of-control hunger, oftenresulting in over eating.

A complusive overeater will consume thousands of calories ata time, quickly and without pleasure.

A little physical activity is better than none at all, butmore activity equals greater health benefits, especially when it comes to diet

Your BMR is higher when you have a low body fat percentage.Men have 10-15% BMR than women because the latter have low body fat percentage.

More muscle means less fat, burning calories at a fasterrate. Building more muscle is the key to weight loss.

3,500 steps =very sedentary. 3,500 to 5,000= sedentary.5,500 to 7,500 = somewhat active.

10,000 steps = the minimum goal recommended by experts. Ifyour goal is to lose weight,you probably need to work up to 12,000+

Weightloss is a lot easier with a buddy, keep yourself ontrack and hold each other accountable.

Walk or jog everyday for at least 30 minutes.

You may need to experiment a bit to find the class that isjust right for you, but I am sure it will be worth it.

Sometimes to help a plateau in weightloss in 6 apples in oneday and only drink water.

Concentrate on performing each exercise slowly with goodform. Work up to completing two to three sets of each exercise.

Most Adults need 30 minutes of moderate physical activity 5days a week. Try mowing the lawn or dancing.

Exercise may be the best way to speed recovery fom low backpain.

Have a heart to heart with yourself in the mirror every day.Remind yourself of goals of,what you do well and what has hurt you in the past.

Remember, you do have the power to change!

Spinning is excellent beginner cardio workout to participatein,it is lower impact than running and it burns a lot of calories.

Unrealistic expectations doom many fitness resolutions.

Yoga clothing should be loose and as comfortable aspossible. Form-fitting cotton/Lycra pants and shirts are the best.

BMR elevate up to 7 percent when the inner temperature ofthe body increases 0.5C.

Taking note of the common foods you eat and theircorresponding calories on your computer or a notebook would keep you on track.

When on a diet use a smaller plate and only eat what is onyour FIRST and ONLY plate. 2nd and 3rd helpings are not allowed,you willsurvive.

Exercise alone is great for expending calories,withoutwatching your diet, it's going to be a long, slow road to getting a six-pack.

We can't control what food we like but we can work on how wego about eating them.

Try chewing your food until it turns into a liquid mush inyour mouth before swallowing. Sounds silly but it helps appetite and weightloss.

Always get your dressing on the side. Only use as much asyou want and need.

It's better if you gradually ease into the stretch, so as tonot pull or injure any muscle fibers.

Exhale as you contract; inhale to return to startingposition.

When it comes to weight control, almost nothing is easierand cheaper than brisk walking.

Don't feel guilty if you love foods such as apple pie,potato chips, candy bars or ice cream. Eat them in moderation!

Do cardio AFTER your weight training ,you are warm and havea better chance at using fat as a fuel source over glycogen.

A mile is roughly 2,000 to 2,500 steps, depending on stridelength.

You will be able to drop a pound if you make 3500-calorieshortage within a week through a diet or exercise or the combination of thetwo.

Water helps you flush out the toxins and sodium in yourbody. It is very important to keep your body hydrated through out the day.

All fats are not created equal when it comes to fat storage.Switch from saturated and hydrogenated fats to monounsaturated and omega-3 fats

not only do dairy products promote healthy bones, researchshows they play a role in lowering blood pressure.

Take 10 minutes to think about what stresses you out duringthe day. You can always take steps to reduce or eliminate those things fromlife

Abdominal muscles consist of three layers.

Subcutaneous fat is the easiest to remove, and the easiestto gain, too.

work smarter by slowing down to try to isolate the musclesyou're working.

Write your goal down. Read it out loud with a positive tonein your voice every day. Once before bed, and immediately when you wake up.

Twenty minutes of interval cardio,actually burns more bodyfat than 60 minutes of jogging or intensity long duration cardio.

Remember that when you can consume too much even healthyfoods it can be stored as fat because some foods get to be stored easily asfat.

A calorie restricted diet can improve memory in normal tooverweight elderly.

You will not drop body fat when you eat more calories thanincreasing the calories you burn.

Do not use the hot tub after a race. It will increaseinflammation and hinder healing.

Yes you eat when you are stress, depressed and bored. Youneed to MAKE yourself replace it with something positive like walk, music, etc.

Weightloss decreases the chance of having diabetes, heartdisease, hypertension, stroke and cancer.

Eating too much or bending forward after eating can causeheartburn and a sour taste in your mouth.

Get substantial health and weight-control benefits fromactivities like walking, biking, jogging, swimming and dancing.

When preparing your dinner, cut the fat off before you cookit, not after or when it is on your plate.

BMI of between 18.5 and 24.9 has been deemed normal andhealthy.

Yoga brings stability and relaxation to the mind and helpsthe individual to have a clear thinking.

The key-BMR regulator that increases the metabolic action ofthe body is due to Thyroxin, which is created by the thyroid gland.

For optimal success, you must have a precise fitness goal.Few people will accomplish anything without sufficient pressure.

Stretching should not include bouncing, it should be gentle,slow, and controlled if you want to receive most of the benefits.

Less than 3 mph is slow walking. More than 3 mph isconsidered brisk walking. More than 4 mph is considered very brisk walking.

For a person performing Yoga, the diet should be a balancedand you should eat after an interval of 4 hours.

Eating out is only for special occasions, not because youare lazy, tired or stressed. Stop making excuses, please! :)

Eat 5 to 6 small meals a day. This way,your metabolism keepsstoked all day long.

To improve your eating habits, you have to know what's wrongwith them. Write down everything you eat for three days.

Going for a walk every day can improve mood, increaseenergy, lower blood pressure and protect against diabetes, osteoporosis andcancer.

It is a fact, people that SKIP breakfast are more likely tobe overweight.

Exhale as you contract; inhale to return to startingposition.

Exhale forcefully at the top of the movement when you doabdominal crunches. It forces your abs to work harder.

At least 50% fewer overextension injuries are reported withathletes who use a regular stretching routine compared to those who don't!

You should be able to feel that your heart rate is up. Keepin mind that a brisk walk for one person may be a stroll for another.

Before adding butter to anything,taste it first you mightnot need the calories.

Keep a food journal and USE it before you put anything inyour mouth or order from a menu. It is about accountability

Abdominal fat is the most dangerous. There is just onereason for this, and that is positioning.

While doing yoga, you should feel pain.If you do,you are notdoing it in the right way or you need to adjust your pose to suit you better.

FLATTEN A CRAVING: To stop hunger pangs, tighten your abmuscles and slowly count to 10.

WHAT WINNERS KNOW: It doesn't matter what you're great atright now. It's what you're learning for next year.

EAT RIGHT RULE: The fewer the ingredients, the healthier thefood.

WHAT WINNERS KNOW: If 50% of people think you're crazy, and50% think you're smart, then your plan will probably work.

WHAT WINNERS KNOW: A lot of people focus on how not to getfired. Focus on how to be on fire!
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25 فبراير 2009
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BURN FAT: 1 green tea drunk within 2 hours after a mealincreases fat breakdown by a third, European study says.

YO! PLAY! Eating 6 ounces of fat-free yogurt daily boostsweight loss up to 81%, study says.

CRACK THE CODE: Eating eggs for breakfast can significantlyreduce your calorie intake for the rest of the day.

SLEEPING GIANTS: Late risers eat more calories & makeunhealthier food & drink choices, says new Northwestern U study.

DOUBLE YOUR CALORIE BURN: Alternate between upper- andlower-body moves during your workout.

MUSCLE SNACK: Oranges give you the vitamin C your body needsto burn fat, rather than muscle, for energy, says Ariz U.

DON'T LET UP: If you rest for longer than 5 mins whilestrength training, temperature drops, inhibiting performance

EAT RIGHT RULE: Desserts that include dairy are better thandesserts that don't. Choose the ice cream over the cake.

WAKE UP THE FAT: Less than 7 hours of sleep a night causesan average weight gain of 11 pounds in 6 years.

EAT RIGHT RULE: Being afraid of fat will scare you into thearms of the bigger villain: sugar.

SHOCKER! Studies show low-fat chocolate milk has perfect 2.7to 1 carb/protein ratio = ultimate post-workout drink.

EAT RIGHT RULE: The word "muffin" was invented sopeople wouldn't feel guilty about eating cake for breakfast.

EAT RIGHT RULE: There are usually smarter, healthier choicesnot listed on the menu. Always ask for something better.

SCOOP OF HAPPINESS: Ice cream has a similar effect on yourmood to winning a bet or hearing fave song, U.K. study says.

KEEP IT OFF: Lost weight? Just two 40-minute workouts perweek will keep 99% of belly fat from coming back.

BREAKFAST SECRET: Your cereal won't go mushy if you pour themilk just till the cereal starts to float--then stop.

COFFEE SECRET: A few small coffee servings throughout theday keep you more awake & focused than a single jumbo one.

SNORE YOURSELF THINNER: Nuts before bed increasesfat-burning potential while asleep, says J of Clinical Nutrition.

HUNGRY? Drink some water first. Much of the time you're justthirsty.

FIVE GUYS TOPPINGS: Mustard = 0 calories; Mushrooms = 10;Ketchup = 15; A1 = 15; BBQ = 60; Cheese = 70; Bacon = 80; Mayo = 100!

Before you eat breakfast, ask yourself: Can at least halfthe foods in this meal be described as sources of protein? If not, don't eatit!

EAT RIGHT RULE: 72% of us don't check nutrition labels orcontent before buying food. Do it & watch pounds vanish!

EFFORTLESS FAT BURN: A squirt of lemon in your water causesyour metabolism to spike, researchers say.

If a protein bar contains collagen or gelatin, shelve it.They're low-quality proteins! The Truth About Protein Bars: http://ow.ly/8hOAK

The following do NOT count as vegetables: french fries,potato chips, onion rings, and white potatoes!

*Carb Charge* Limit carbs to breakfast & lunch meals forenergy to sustain your daily activities

DID YOU KNOW? between the standard push-up & squat youwork nearly every muscle in the body

6 reasons why you should run! We like #4: It reduces stress!All 6: http://ow.ly/9fS7z

Our fat-burning workout will increase the rate at which youburn calories by up to 13%! Get it: http://ow.ly/9fSCf

Tight glutes & flat abs are just 10 effective exercisesaway! Your routine: http://ow.ly/9fS2P

6 tips that'll help you have a GREAT day-#1: Kick it offwith TEA! http://ow.ly/9fSb1

Ditch these 5 pesky food habits to slim down and curb yourappetite (HINT: #1: Eat slowly!): http://ow.ly/9fSsH

25% of your cals come from SNACKS! Dozens of tips to makesure they're HEALTHY ones: http://ow.ly/9dMcj

Choose nuts as a snack, on salads, or in main dishes. Usenuts to replace meat or poultry, not in addition to these items.

Jogging and power walking are excellent calorie burners. Youmay also try the treadmill, the stair master or spinning.

Stretching exercises are effective in increasingflexibility, and thereby can allow people to more easily do activities

Add fresh or dried fruit to your favorite cereal, on top ofa whole grain waffle or on your favorite yogurt

Spending 15 minutes a day doing any activity that works themajor muscle groups,such as running,cycling,or swimming,helps relax themuscles.

Choose foods lower in saturated fat, trans fat, andcholesterol. You should check all three nutrients to make choices for ahealthful diet.

Reach any goal, organize yourself, make a checklist, get onyour feet early &concentrate! put your best effort into it and you willmake it

*BIGGEST TRAINING ERROR* Failure to eat after a workout

You cannot crunch your way to a six pack. Focus on loweringyour body fat% to reveal more tone and definition

Fiber is crucial to achieving a flat stomach. If you're notletting your food go it's resting in your large intestine

YOUR BRAIN ON EXERCISE: Working out has an antidepressanteffect often better than any medication, says European study.

KNEE CAPPER: For every pound you lose, you alleviatepressure on your knees by 4 pounds.

WHAT YOUR SODA CAN DOESN'T TELL YOU: You need to run 2 milesto burn off that bottle of Coke.

THE TRUTH ABOUT SODA: Need another reason to kick the habit?Here are 9 of them: http://su.pr/2oUpSc

EAT RIGHT RULE: Cereals w/ cartoons on the box are filled w/mostly cheap carbs. Avoid the empty & expensive calories.

HOW FIT ARE YOU? 3 simple moves that test your fitness: http://su.pr/5x0Mu0

DON'T CHEAT YOUR MUSCLES: Lifters with better form were 10%stronger because they stressed their muscle fibers more.

SUGAR BOMB: Many fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt varieties packmore sugar than a Kit-Kat bar. Make your own version!

COUNT YOUR LOSSES: People who keep track of their calorieslose twice as much weight, says research.

EAT RIGHT RULE: Start your day with protein, end your day alittle skinnier.

FAKE FOOD: White chocolate isn't technically chocolate sinceit contains no cocoa solids. (It's mostly fat & sugar.)

WHAT WINNERS KNOW: The best way to teach yourself how tosucceed at something is to fail at it first.

LET'S MOVE! Sitting makes you fat, says new Tel Aviv study.Body fat naturally accumulates in areas left inactive.

WHAT WINNERS KNOW: If you give yourself quiet time, you'remore likely to be interrupted by noisy new ideas.
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10 WORST 'HEALTHY' FOODS IN AMERICA: Eat This, Not That!exposes the biggest imposters: http://su.pr/7lMX10

8 SCARY FOOD MYTHS: Fat won't make you fat. Neither willsnacking. The real truth about your food: http://su.pr/4Wabt9

WHAT WINNERS KNOW: Anxiety isn't the enemy, it's a guide towhat you need to work on first.


HANGOVER HELPERS: 11 best ways to have a better morningafter: http://su.pr/1T5SZL

WHAT WINNERS KNOW: You stop winning when you stop listening.

AIR IT OUT: Eating nitrate-rich foods like spinach andstrawberries improves breathing during workouts.

WHAT WINNERS KNOW: Don't be afraid of failure. Be afraid ofnot learning from failure.

LOSE WEIGHT--SLEEPING! Dieters who sleep 8 hrs a night(versus 5 1/2) lose more fat & less muscle, says study.

5 LIFE-SAVING NUTRIENTS: Not getting one can leave you 80%more likely to suffer a heart attack. http://su.pr/1mJHI1

"C"RAZY RESULTS: People who take 500 mg of VitaminC daily burn 39% more fat during exercise.

STAND AGAINST FAT: 4+ hrs of sitting/day causes an enzyme controllingfat & cholesterol metabolism to nearly shut down.

FAT-FIGHTING FIBER: Aim for 25g a day--the amount in about 3servings of fruits & veggies--to boost fat burn up to 30%.

COFFEE SECRET: The avg 16-oz latte has 200+ calories &is worse than a double-scoop ice cream cone. Go low-fat.

A STRONGER HEART: Drink 5+ glasses of water a day to helplower heart disease risk, says Loma Linda U study.

LOSE FAT--WITH JUST 2 EXERCISES! http://su.pr/15krzH

BEST BREAKFAST: 350 calories of protein- and fiber-richfoods keep you full, ***** & improve memory, says new study.

LADIES FITNESS 101: Balance the food you eat with physicalactivity. Maintain a healthy body weight.

Ladies Fitness 101: Dancing is a great way to work out! Turnthat music up and dance!


Health Tip: Incorporate greens into as many meals as youcan. Great for your body and digestion!

Ladies Fitness 101: Don't say you'll try to get to the gym.Trying is to do something with the intention to fail.

Ladies Fitness 101: Although we all have busy lifestylesfind time to exercise. Even a 10 min brisk walk will do you a world ofdifference!

Ladies Fitness 101: People don't exercise just to looseweight or to look good. Exercising makes you feel good and gives you mentalclarity

Do your workout in the morning! You'll carry on burning fatthroughout the day!

Ladies! Do 50 sit-ups before you go bed..increase it by 25every fortnight! Rock hard abs baby!

The only way of finding the limits of the possible is bygoing beyond them into the impossible.

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the personyou want to be

Time and health are two precious assets that we don'trecognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have tolive.

Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every humanbeing, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it

If you don't do what's best for your body, you're the onewho comes up on the short end

"Many fine things can be done in a day if you don'talways make that day tomorrow."

FAT FACT: Obese people are likely to stay 49% longer in thehospital than normal-weight folks!

Regularly skipping breakfast raises your risk of obesity by450%, study shows! Start with these PERFECT morning meals: http://ow.ly/98cJK

SKIMMER IN AISLE 9: Most people read only the first 5nutrition facts, study shows. What they're skipping: carbs, fiber, sugar,sodium!

The average American consumes more than 160 bowls of cereala year! Picking the right box could mean knocking 15... http://fb.me/1f8Ln6CH4

BEST CHOCOLATE BAR: Chocolove Strong Dark Chocolate. 70%cocoa means it's super high in antioxidants! 24 Best Desserts: http://ow.ly/8ZYgF

DON'T FORGET JOE: Coffee can reduce your risk of Alzheimer'sby as much as 60%! 15 Foods That Cure: http://ow.ly/8ZRkX

GO WHOLE GRAIN: People who fold whole grains into theirweight-loss plan lose more belly fat than refined-grain eaters, study says!

You CAN eat *******, ice cream, and pastries, and still loseweight. We show you how: http://ow.ly/8YbF5

What, exactly, are Pringles? Only 40% potato flour. The restis rice, wheat, corn & additives, such as partially hydrogenated coconut oil!

7 Simple Ways to Save 700 Calories: http://ow.ly/8VdQW Who canargue with that?

SURVIVAL STRATEGY: At Starbucks, use sugar-free syrup tosave up to 150 calories per drink!

Want to save yourself 3 pounds of fat in just 6 meals?Here's how: http://ow.ly/8QWGo

BAD NEWS: Beyond the sorbets & Sinless Sans Fat icecream, you won't find many Cold Stone items with fewer than 360 calories!

You should never walk into a buffet unarmed. (Unless youwant to walk out a few pounds heavier.) Beat the Buffet: http://ow.ly/8QeVz

MAC DADDY: Kraft's Deluxe Mac & Cheese is a huge step upfrom the standard blue box. It packs 13 g protein, plus 2 g fiber!

Fat doesn't make you fat. Neither does snacking. Or bread. 8Food Myths, Busted: http://ow.ly/8QdbO

Eat these 8 foods EVERY day to stay slim and healthy: http://ow.ly/8Py9W

FAT FACT: Supersizing your meal costs an average of 67cents. But it loads you up with 397 more calories!

We only need milk & ice cream to make a shake. ButBaskin-Robbins requires 45 ingredients for their ****** Dough Shake!

EAT THIS @ Burger King: Chicken Tenders (8 piece) with BBQSauce for 420 calories & 22 g fat!

Women take in 22% more calories a day than in 1971, whereasmen only consume 7% more! 20 Worst Foods for Women: http://ow.ly/8Pw40

Letting your children choose their veggies can lead them toeat 80% more! 6 Rules for Healthy Kids: http://ow.ly/8PvUO

HOT DAMN: Starbucks Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate (Venti) =81 g sugars = 3 Hershey's Chocolate Bars! 12 Sugary Crimes: http://ow.ly/8NZtU

AN APPLE A DAY: Apples are loaded with quercetin, aflavonoid linked to better heart health! Your Produce Primer: http://ow.ly/8MzDf

EAT THE BACON: Fat doesn't make you fat. Too many caloriesdoes. Fat is good. Just not too much.
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25 فبراير 2009
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CARB RULE: Never eat rice, pasta, or other starchy sidesunless they have fiber. Otherwise, they'll pass through you like a pile ofcandy!

FLAT-BELLY FOOD: Grapefruit's acidity may slow digestion,helping keep you full longer! More foods for your abs: http://ow.ly/8L5ee

FISH FOR MUSCLES: Omega-3 fats may help signal your body toturn protein into muscles, says new Washington U study.

Protein, fiber, and healthy fats are the secrets of asatisfying snack. We found your best bets: http://ow.ly/8Ivao

TURN OFF THE TUBE: People who watch TV during a meal eat anaverage of 288 more calories! 25 Nutrition Secrets: http://ow.ly/8IrUd

SMOOTHIE RULE: For every 3 cups of fruit, you'll need 1 cupof liquid. Keep in mind: Both yogurt and ice will thicken your drink!

TAKE IT TO HEART: Nuts may reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol by10 points & improve LDL-to-HDL ratio by 8%, say researchers.

GO NUTS: A study in the journal Obesity found that women whoeat nuts just twice a week are about 30% less likely to gain weight!

Researchers found that high-protein snacks help people eatless at their next meal! 7 Snack-Smart Rules: http://ow.ly/8AlO0

Calcium has been linked to weight loss. These sources don'tcount: chocolate milk, ice cream, queso dip & fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt!

COLD STONE CANDY TOPPINGS: Chocolate Shavings = 90; Whoppers= 120; Gummi Bears = 120; Butterfinger = 140; Twix = 150; M&M's = 170!

SODIUM SCARE: When you eat super salty foods, your bodyretains water to dilute the excess sodium. This puts stress on your arteries!

FREEZE AWAY FAT: Add ice to your water, and you'll burn 64more calories per day! The reason: It takes energy to melt ice in your body.

To eat less, chew more. In a recent study, people ate 12%fewer calories when they chomped 40 times before... http://fb.me/IZGiVlcK

LAW #1: Don't diet. Studies show that the #1 predictor offuture weight gain is dieting right now! 7 Laws of Leanness: http://ow.ly/8o8DV

Within minutes of drinking a can of Coke, your body is hitwith 8 teaspoons of sugar. What happens to the excess sugar? It turns into fat.

BLEND THIS: Banana + 1/2 c coffee + 1/2 c milk + 1 Tbsppeanut butter + 1 Tbsp agave syrup + 1 c ice! Super Smoothies: http://ow.ly/8kW01

STICK IT OUT: Resolutions can become new habits in just fiveweeks, studies show.

Organic Valley Lowfat Chocolate Milk = your perfectpost-workout beverage! Stock the Perfect Refrigerator: http://ow.ly/8khGh

H20: Water is essential for all metabolic processes, theless water you drink the slower your metabolism will be

Tufts University study finds that choosing wheat bread &brown rice over white will reduce belly fat by 10%

A study at London South Bank University finds cherry juiceto accelerate recovery after intense strength exercises reducing muscle damage


Layer of fat masking your abs? High intensity cardio,smaller frequent meals, & increased water intake will melt the stubbornlayer

LEGS NEED LOVE TO: Lower body training is an essential partof your exercise regimen for gaining muscle and scorching belly fat

MUSCLES OVERNIGHT? During sleep marks the rebuilding phaseof muscle fibers that have been trained, sleep is mandatory for growth

*SNOOZE OR LOSE* Wake Forest University found that regularlysleeping less than 5hrs a night promotes increased abdominal fat

SKINNY HABIT #1: Eat an early dinner. People who eat after 8p.m. have the most body fat, study says! 20 Skinny Habits: http://ow.ly/9ctcz

Eating fat won't make you fat any more than eating moneywill make you rich. Excess calories make you fat! http://fb.me/1FYN3TVdB

The only thing standing between u and ur goals is the excuseyou keep giving urself that u can't achieve them!

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you takeyour eyes off your goal!

You've got to wake up every morning with determination, ifyou want to go bed with satisfaction!

There is no shortcut to achievement, you will need toprepare and set yourself goals!

Nothing feels better than knowing you have a flat stomach

Nothing feels better than the feeling you get when your bodyis just how you want it!

You should aim to hit above ur target so you still reachyour target!

What u get by achieving ur goals is not as important as whatu become by achieving them!

Without Goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a shipthat has set sail with no destination!

People with goals succeed because they know where they aregoing!

Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooneror later have to make time for illness!

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you thinkyou're not!

Instead of snacking on crisps pick up a bag of mixed nutsand seeds!great for ur diet with slow releasing energy for ur day!

Did u kno that its healthier to spread butter on ur toastrather then margarine!

The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels theintangible, and achieves the impossible!

One positive thought can fight an army of negative thoughts!

Don't use this cold weather as an excuse not to exercise!Your work-out should leave u feeling like its a summers day!

The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity! The optimistsees the opportunity in every difficulty!

Motivation is what gets u started! Habit is what keeps yougoing!

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, dontadjust the goals, adjust the action steps!

They say a healthy lifestly consists of 80% healthy diet andonly 20% exercise!

Positive energy will giv positive thinking which will give ua positive mind which will bring positive outcomes!

Running is one the best solutions to a clear mind!

Being fit gives major confidence boost and makes you feelgreat!

Nothing is unhealthy in a balanced diet!










التعديل الأخير:


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25 فبراير 2009
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الكويت ديرة الخير.. فديتج يا كويت

LADIES FITNESS 101: Avoid eating too much starchy food. It ticks to your body!

LADIES FITNESS 101: You do not need to starve yourself to get fit.. Eat more meals/smaller portions

LADIES FITNESS 101: 10 Mins exercise? That's 10mins more than nothing!

Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol.

Choose a diet with plenty of whole-grain products, vegetables and fruits.

TURN OFF THE TV: Watching TV while eating can cause you to take in 288 extra calories, study says! 25 Diet Secrets: http://ow.ly/9mmTg

Salad dressing doesn't have to be a crime! Douse your greens with these certified smart choices: http://ow.ly/9mmu0

SWEAT THIS, NOT THAT! Want to build abs that show? Skip the situps. Try doing the plank for a minute instead!

Good & Plenty may be fat free. But that's because they're almost entirely sugar! 18 Supermarket Lies, Revealed: http://ow.ly/9jlKr

A study revealed drinking 4 cups of green tea/day helped people shed more than 6 pounds in 8 weeks -American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

FAT BURNING FOODS: Eggs, Vegetables, Almonds, Walnuts, Peanuts, Skinless Poultry, Fish, Lentils, Oats, Citrus Fruits, Low-Fat Dairy

Foods consumed at night when activity levels are minimal should consist only of protein & healthy fats

*EARLY BIRD* Morning cardio helps release Endorphins (the feel good hormone) leaving you energized throughout the day

AVOID SIMPLE CARBS such as dougnuts, pastries, cereals high in sugar, sweetened beverages, etc.

Avoid simple carbs (fast digesting/high sugar content) for breakfast, they spike insulin levels sending your body into fat storing mode

RISE & SHINE: The ideal breakfast should be high in protein with a nice balance of complex carbohydrates, fiber & good fats

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started" -Mark Twain

Preparing your meals a day or days before will leave you less likely to make unhealthy food choices during the day

Research shows that morning exercise improves sleep at night, a benefit that can also help promote weight loss

Studies show that sprints & other "high intensity" cardio continue to burn calories long after you're done

*REMEMBER* muscles don't grow in the gym, they grow when you leave the gym and get proper rest & nutrition

Worlds Healthiest Seafoods: Cod, Halibut, Salmon, Sardines, Scallops, Shrimp, Tuna

Worlds Healthiest Grains: Barley, Brown rice, Buckwheat, Corn, Millet, Oats, Quinoa, Rye, Spelt, 100% Whole wheat

Nearly 70% of your physique is a result of eating habits, the other 30% exercise and genetics

Best time for weight training is later in the day when your carbs have been digested and are ready to use for energy

H.I.I.T (High Intensity Interval Training) is the most effective type of cardio for burning fat and maintaining muscle mass

One Thing You Shouldn't Do: Long moderate cardio sessions in an attempt to burn fat and keep muscle

University of Illinois research shows people who start the day with a protein-rich breakfast consume 200 fewer calories a day on average

Fiber is crucial to achieving a flat stomach. If you're not letting your food go it's resting in your large intestine

Get a Flat Stomach: Secret Weapons of Weight Loss.. http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/abs-diet-quickstart-meal-plan

H20 IS YOUR FRIEND: Researchers at the University of Utah conclude that not drinking enough water can decrease caloric expenditure by 2%

High in sugar, empty calories & minimal nutritional value, many "sweetened beverages" make fitness goals harder to reach

The easiest way to burn more calories than you consume is to eat whole foods that are low in calories and protein rich

Want to eat more AND lose more weight? Make a promise: I WILL EAT IT IF IT GROWS ON A TREE (or bush, stalk, or vine). http://ow.ly/9oxAQ

PRINT AND GO: The HOT body workout http://ow.ly/9oxoN

"I CAN is 100 times more important than IQ." - Unknown

13 ways to stay motivated! No 2: Make a promise. It's harder to blow off a commitment you've made to lots of people. http://ow.ly/9n6n7

"Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and it smiles back at you." ~Peace Pilgrim

Spring break is around the corner! Start our 21-day-to-a-bikini-body workout now and look slimmer by 3/21: http://ow.ly/9mK3P

Trying to slim down for an upcoming wedding? See how reader Jennifer lost 65 lbs to fit into her dress & get inspired: http://ow.ly/9mvnI

If your destination is a healthy body & an affordable grocery tab, you need directions. How to be an effective shopper: http://ow.ly/9lEte

EASY SWAPS: Soda for sparkling water, jelly beans for chocolate, pancake syrup for maple syrup and more: http://ow.ly/9lyRg

PRINT AND GO: The Look-Better-Naked workout http://ow.ly/9l4Ol

Need workout inspiration at the gym? Download our FREE WH Workouts LITE app! http://ow.ly/9l0w0

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal." -Henry Ford

Tonight's workout: No equipment needed! Do it at home or the gym. See the moves: http://ow.ly/9kaf5

TRIGGER FOODS: Why a weakness for a certain food can lead to uncontrolled eating! http://ow.ly/9k0uv

[FIXED LINK] Our 1-week eating plan will help you stay on track! 7 days of meals, snacks, dessert: http://ow.ly/9jS2v

Want faster results from hitting the gym? 5 things you should do when you're NOT exercising http://ow.ly/9jv4c

Its time for you to realize that your diet is just as important if not more if you want to loose weight or get into shape!


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25 فبراير 2009
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Things People Have To Stop Doing: relying on your friends togo to the gym! Your only partner should be your trainer or your ipod!

Things People Have To Stop Doing: eating white bread, itsall about whole grain!

Things People Have To Stop Doing: drinking fizzy drinks,they are full of artificial sweetners!

Things People Have To Stop Doing: thinking that the gym isthe only place you can Exercise!

No matter what people do and say around you, only YOU cantruely motivate yourself!

By too mich sitting still the body becomes unhealthy; andsoon the mind!

Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction!

If your diet hits a plateau and you can't break through it,try eating 6 apples in one day and lots water and it can kick start you again

For Healthy Fat In Your Diet, Include Nuts.. http://www.womenshealthmag.com/nutrition/healthy-nuts

You can do what you set your mind to! "Believe and actas if it were impossible to fail."-Charles F. Kettering

5 weight-lifting tips for women-#2: Fix your sloppy form!All of 'em: http://ow.ly/9qgKU

Got 15 minutes? That's all you need to tone your abs! The 4moves you can do ANYWHERE: http://ow.ly/9qhbK

Sip your way to slim! Try these awesome low-cal smoothierecipes: http://ow.ly/9qhlG

Get stuff DONE today! "Action brings your dreamcloser."-Marcia Wieder

Its time for you to realize that your diet is just asimportant if not more if you want to loose weight or get into shape!

Eating one Red Delicious apple a day can reduce your badcholesterol by 8%, study says! World's Healthiest Foods: http://ow.ly/9pwsI

FOOD MYTH #6: Dessert will ruin your life. Eliminating foodsyou love can send you into binge mode! 8 Food Myths: http://ow.ly/9puBC

FAT MYTH #4: Diet soda is harmless. People who down 3 dietsodas a week are 40% more likely to be obese! More myths: http://ow.ly/9siwi

Muscles Overnight? During sleep marks the rebuilding phaseof muscle fibers that have been trained, sleep is mandatory for growth


1.) cut back on calories

2.) stick to a high protein/fiber diet

3.) implement cardio & weight training

Layer of fat masking your abs? High intensity cardio,smaller frequent meals, & increased water intake will melt the stubbornlayer

Human anatomy proves that everyone has abs, but the amountof fat covering them affects their visibility; cardio & diet helps dropbody fat%

A "Six-Pack" becomes visible on males once bodyfat drops to around 10%, females 14% to 18%

You can run & crunch forever, a "ripped"mid-section won't happen without protein & fiber

Recent studies in Strength & Conditioning shows that noteating before weight lifting can cause muscle loss if done on a regular basis

Training the same muscle daily will only make it smaller& weaker, allow recovery time

CHOOSE WATER: soda, energy drinks, & sports drinks are amajor source of added sugar & calories; green tea is also a good substitute

BUILD MUSCLE, BURN FAT: A Penn State study showed than whendieters don't lift weights, 22% of their weight loss comes from losing muscle

The 7's rule of chocolate: Go for at least 70% cacao andlimit yourself to 7 ounces per week http://ow.ly/9ssbY

"Interval Training" is ideal for keeping your hardearned muscle while still burning fat

Keep healthy snacks around the house & not junk food!Easier to resist junk food if you have to drive all the way to the store -ACEFitness

Fitness. It's a mental game, discipline your mind to takeyou to physical greatness

The final result is a body that burns far fewer calories(and gains weight faster) than the one you had before the diet

"Crash diets" those involving eating fewer than1,000 calories a day are disastrous for anyone hoping to speed up theirmetabolism

*Black Coffee* In one study, the caffeine in 2 cups ofcoffee prompted a 145-pound woman to burn 50 extra calories over the next fourhours

To burn more calories incorporate "supersets" intoyour workout (completing another exercise between sets)

Walnuts have double the antioxidants than other nuts

"Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement"-Brian Tracy

Free-weight exercises mimic athletic moves and generallyactivate more muscle mass than machines

"Don't exercise sore muscles groups, it's best that yougive the muscles at least another day of rest" -Dr. Alan Mikesky

Foods that promote better looking skin: carrots, berries,salmon, sunflower seeds, water, green tea, healthy oils

Lost weight but still feel & look flabby? Chances areyou're losing muscle mass by not consuming enough protein or not weighttraining

Burning roughly 85 cals for a 30min session, (42) 30min sexsessions burns 3,570 calories more than enough to lose a 1lb

Fact: The total amount of cals consumed minus cals expendedresults in weight gain or weight loss independent on the time of the meals

Eating lean protein in each of your meals will reveal yoursix-pack quicker than any crunch

Studies show outside cardio burns 5% more calories thanindoor cardio on average

7 Fat Burning Foods: Oats, eggs, fish, almonds, green tea,apples, beans

Studies show subjects eating 40% of total daily calories frmprotein w/ exercise lost more thn 2x as much body fat as those consuming 15-20%

Carve your "Six-Pack": Top abdominals-Overheadcable crunches, Bottom abdominals-Hanging Leg Raises & Reverse Crunches,Obliques-Side Bends

Trained muscle groups need 48-72hrs to fully recover, onlytrain rested muscles during this recovery period

Women Body Fat %: Athletes 14-20% Fitness 21-24% Acceptable25-30% Obese 31%+

Men Body Fat %: Athletes 6-13% Fitness 14-17% Acceptable18-25% Obese 26%+

Researchers discovered that every excess pound of fat yougain increases your chance of death -New England Journal of Medicine

For best AB training results, work lower abdominals 1st followedby upper abdominals then obliques - via Flex Mag

40% reduction of sick days in those who do cardio at least20mins 5days/week -British Journal of Sports Medicine

The Biggest Calf training error is lifting too heavy and notutilizing the full range of motion

DID YOU KNOW? The amount of calories in a "Big MacMeal" is enough to sustain a family of 4

With 1,350 Calories in a Big Mac Meal, that could break downinto A Healthy MEAL of 450 cals each for 2 parents and 225cals each for 2 kids

It takes 15mins for your brain to signal you that you'refull, slow down while eating meals to consume 10% less

DITCH high sodium seasonings for your food, use herbs &spices instead to flavor your meals to avoid water retention

*IMPORTANT* When running, be sure to keep your torsostraight & shoulders back lifting your feet higher to avoid "RunnersPooch"

Many long term health risk are associated with individualswho regularly get under 6hrs of sleep

REST IS BEST: Harvard Medical School research shows thatlack of sleep disrupts hormonal balance causing weight gain

#1 RULE TO ACHIEVING A LEAN PHYSIQUE: Protein should be apart of every meal & the majority of your daily caloric intake should beprotein

BENEFITS OF FIBER: Feel full longer, slower absorption of sugarinto the blood stream, flattens stomach by ridding the intestines of wastes


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*BYE BYE BELLY* Flatten your stomach and suppress sugarcravings by adding at least 5 grams of fiber to your snacks & meals

People eating 6 small meals/day have lower cholesterol thanthose eating 1 or 2 large meals/ day -British Medical Journal

FIRST 38: The max amount of minutes you should allow to pastafter waking to eat breakfast

Upon waking the body has fasted for 5-8hrs. Skippingbreakfast leads to 10-13hrs of fasting causing hormonal & blood sugarimbalances

A study at Massachusetts University reveals that breakfastat home instead of out cuts odds of obesity in half

Healthy eating habits & exercise is like engines &wheels, you can't go far with one without the other

#1 RULE TO A LEAN PHYSIQUE: Protein should be a part ofevery meal/snack; the majority of your daily caloric intake should be protein

1.) Drink more water and cut out or limit flavored beveragessuch as juices, milk & sodas

2.) Start performing short duration high intensity intervalcardio & a weight training regimen on a "consistent" basis

3.) Up protein & fiber foods and limit the consumptionof carbohydrates

DID YOU KNOW? Regular breakfast skippers are 4x more likelyto pack on belly fat. -American Journal of Epidemiology

EARLY BIRD: research suggests that morning exercise improvessleep, a benefit that also helps with weight management

Burn the layer of fat covering your muscles with highintensity cardio, weight training, & healthy low calorie eating

Crunches help build the abdominal muscles, but have littleto no affect on the layer of fat covering them

You cannot turn fat into muscle, you can only burn the fatthat covers your muscles so they"ll become more visible

LIFT WEIGHTS, BURN FAT: When dieters don't pump iron, 22% oftheir weight loss comes from losing muscle according to a Penn State study

Cont. as this becomes habit & is adopted into yourlifestyle, you can move to more strict eating habits & a more frequentworkout regimen

A good start 4 improving your fitness/health life iseliminating sweets & refined carbs from your diet & incorporating 2-3days of exercise

Remember everyone had to start somewhere, begin with smallgoals such as eating healthier then work your way up

To get the best out of your "back exercises",concentrate on the squeeze & hold position at the end of the contraction

To gain "lean muscle mass" you must consume morecalories than you burn using protein, complex carbs, & good fat consumption

*STRETCH* Longer muscle fibers permit faster contractionspeeds resulting in greater power

Scientists at Bringham Young University prove thatstretching makes you stronger

Misconception: Fat-free means healthy. Truth is manyfat-free foods are high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, and calories

Good fats are those found in fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil,coconut oil, peanut butter & avocado

"Supersets" are when two separate exercises areperformed in a row without stopping, typically switching back and forth betweenthe two

In the study "Superset" sessions took less time inthe gym and burned far more calories leading to a super metabolic fat burningrate

Researchers from Syracuse University find that supersetsenhance fat-loss and provide a quicker workout

Research shows that we digest unhealthy foods faster becausethey contain much sugar & fat and little fiber & protein

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is whatkeeps you going" -Jim Rohn

Fast reps increase muscle strength better because they utilizemore of the fast-twitch muscle fibers within a muscle

German scientists recently found that drinking at least 16ozof chilled H20 when waking boosts metabolism by 24% for 90 minutes afterwards

DID YOU KNOW? There are 4 major muscle groups in the shoulder:Rotator Cuffs, Anterior, Middle, & Posterior Deltoids

The 4 rules of breakfast—stick to these and you’ll rev yourmetabolism early & fight cravings later! http://ow.ly/9GAyv

The choco-chart! Which chocolates actually have healthbenefits: http://ow.ly/9GByk

Weight loss tip: Track your progress once per week! Recordweight AND measurements http://ow.ly/9FXkk

NUTRIENT-DENSE FOODS: they fill you up, shrink yourappetite, and help you drop pounds http://ow.ly/9F2rV

Consuming protein right before bed may help your body betterrecover from a workout: http://ow.ly/9F1Na

Treat yourself to...breakfast! Seriously, your day will betotally different. http://ow.ly/9F1lQ

BODY-TYPE WORKOUTS: How to build muscle to visually balanceyour shape! http://ow.ly/9D8C4

When you talk on the phone, stand up (or walk around ifyou're at home). http://ow.ly/9COSI

Want to hit the gym in the morning? Lay out your workoutclothes NOW. More tips: http://ow.ly/9AvyI

Little changes=BIG results. Here are 10 easy ways to shed afew pounds here, there & everywhere! http://ow.ly/9wskn

METABOLISM-BOOSTING MOVES: 5 calorie-torching routines forthe end of your workout http://ow.ly/9A056

Firm up your belly with pilates! 8 ab exercises to build astronger core: http://ow.ly/9wiO0

Avoid the belly-bloating brews in favor of these 10guilt-free options! http://ow.ly/9z5hr

Why you should AVOID these 5 exercise machines, includingthe seated leg extension: http://ow.ly/9yKR5

Certain food pairings can actually BOOST the nutritionalvalue of both items! The 9 to try: http://ow.ly/9z3O9


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The results of a study performed at the University of Edinburgh confirms that by eating pomegranate for 30 days was enough to lower fat cells in your stomach. Researchers note that this type of fat accumulation is the most dangerous type as it causes the release of stress hormones which trigger inflammation and promote heart disease.

Throughout this study, it was concluded that Scientists believe that the Pomegranate fruit has the power to reduce the fat stored round the stomach – the ‘spare tyre’ in men, or ‘muffin top’ in women. If you’re anything like me, you will be in your car on the way to the store by the end of that sentence!



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25 فبراير 2009
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Tasty Salad Dressing

Speaking of, let me share with you a delicious salad dressing recipe that will help you weight loss tremendously. Salad dressing are just as bad for your weight loss as other condiments, so here’s what you should add to your salad instead: A little bit of olive oil, white wine vinegar, fresh lemon juice, a dash of salt and pepper and you’re done! All set for a healthy dressing for your nutrient packed healthy salad! Enjoy!



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Six Pack

Nothing in the world feels as good as knowing you look great. Sure, being healthy is the most important part, but when you’re walking on the beach and people are staring because you have amazing abs, that’s something to be proud of!

The first and most important thing to remember when trying to sculpt your abs is your diet. You can do a thousand crunches a day, but if you’re not feeding your body healthy foods, you won’t see the result of your ab exercises. You have to be just as dedicated in the kitchen as you are in the gym.

I’m not saying that if you eat healthy, you’ll develop rock hard abs, I’m saying there has to be a middle ground and both take dedication.

Think of it this way, you could have the most amazing abs, but if they’re hiding under body fat, then you’ll never be able to seem them. Likewise, if you’re a very lean eater and have a low body percentage, yet never workout, there isn’t much muscle to see and, again, no one will see any abs.

To help you understand a little better, let me tell you about my story.

How I Got my Six-pack Abs

Three years ago, when I decided to lose the extra weight I was carrying around, I went I a special diet for 21 days. During these 21 day, I allowed my body to get rid of all the toxins and junk that’s been stored in there for years. I ate very particular foods during this time in order to allow my body to fully detox. You can learn more about this step here.

Once those 21 days were over, I was amazed to see little definition on both sides on my abs! Holy cow, I was so motivated I had to keep going. I was ready to fully commit to getting washboard abs like the ones int he fitness magazines.

After that detox diet, I stuck to a strict clean eating diet. I only ate lean meats such as fish and chicken, green veggies, fruits like strawberries and pineapples and whole grains. And the whole grains were only to help my workouts and I only ate them before 3:00p.m.

The key to great abs is sending signals from your brain to your core by constantly engaging your core. During every single exercise at the gym, it’s important to squeeze your abs the whole time, even when working out your legs and arms. Imagine you’re telling your squeezed abs to “STAY!”, sounds silly, but it worked for me.

As soon as you start seeing results, you’re not even going to want to eat unhealthy foods. The two, working out and exercising, go hand in hand.

Here’s a great exercise that helped me get my amazing abs:

Lay down on the floor and do 50 regular crunches
Break for 10 seconds
Lift your feet to the sky and do another 50 crunches
Break for 10 seconds
Put your feet on the ground, facing each other. As you were seeing if they are the same size; do another 50 crunches in that position
Break for 10 seconds
Do the second set the exact same way
One the third and final set, do not stop crunching. Have your feet on the floor for 50 crunches, raise your feet to the sky for 50 crunches, and lower them into third position for 50 crunches. Nonstop.
Be sure to stretch your core immediately after.

Between the lean healthy diet, doing ab exercises and constantly engaging your core, you’ll have sculpted abs just like me in no time!

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