رد: ▌▐▐▐ ▐ بلوق الفناتك الديكوريه متجدد ▌▐▐▐ ▐
can’t stop daydreaming about the super-saturated (but still easygoing) moodiness of interior designer
abigail ahern‘s london digs (as featured
this week on the selby / her lamps also appeared in
this post). i’m on the market for a few apartment updates of my own ~ a new chair for the living room, some fresh lamp shades, and a slimmer bed ~ and this space is giving me all sorts of ideas. if you have any genius suggestions for where to source these necessities really quickly, please let me know in the comments!
ye olde glamour den is being shot again in a few weeks and i’d love to implement these updates in anticipation.