تحبين تقرين كتب English ؟؟ حياج معاي


New member
31 مايو 2009
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بس بغيت أصغر بعد:eh_s(1):
لاني بس اقرى اول صفحة بعدين امل من القصة
وما أكملها

قوه قمر

ممكن اقترح علج شي

مادام القراءة الطويله ممله بالنسبه لج

جربي تقرين short stories

هذي تكون تقريبا صفحتين a4

اذا طبعتيهم من النت

او اربع صفحات من القطع الصغير

حلوه وسريعه وغالبا مايكون الثيم مالها ممتع

شفتي فيلم براد بيت the curious case of benjamin button

مأخوذ من قصه قصيره رااااائعه جدا للكاتب المشهور F. Scott Fitzgerald

طبعا انا قريتها قبل لاشوف الفيلم لآن هذا طبعي

واليتني ماقريتها

لآن صراحه حاشني احباط شديييييييييد لمن شفت الفيلم

لأنه بعد السما عن الأرض!!!!!!!

حسيته شوه القصه :0bee2e8d89:

اللي حابه تقراها هذه هي


this reading project isnt part of the book club

print it out and keep it for later


New member
31 مايو 2009
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وايد بنات يمدحونها تلاقين متكلمين عنها بالصفحات الاولى :eh_s(6):

انا اقترح tuesday's with morrie للتصويت

اي انا عجبني كتابج هذا سي لافي

انا موافقه على الترشيح هذا

بس نشوف راي البنات

بس تهقين موجود بالكويت ؟؟؟


New member
31 مايو 2009
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أغلى دار
انا راي نبدى ب ps i love u
لانة متوفر من اختنا سي لا في بهالموضوع وكان هدية ومفاجاة منها لي
وبجذي يكون متوفر للكل
واللي قراة يقرى كتاب ثاني بس يكون لنفس المؤلفة
او الكتاب اللي ودة يشوف امة مرة ثانية وشافها
for another one day
جنة جذي اسمة حلو مبين
او اقترح كتاب الدكتور اللي قط ولدة التوم المتخلف وبعدين ندم شنو اسم الكتاب نسيت بس ما ادري اذا متوفر ولا لا؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
وناطرة منكم اسم الكتاب يا حلوات

قوه فلونه

الكتاب اللي تقولين عنه مال الطبيب وبنته المعاقه

اسمه The Memory Keeper's Daughter

للكاتبه كيم ادواردز ومتوفر انا شاريته من جرير
التعديل الأخير:

C'est La Vie

New member
11 يونيو 2008
مستوى التفاعل
بين صفحاتي
تبون tuesday with morrie ولا نبدله ب for one more day؟

كتب التصويت ليلحين:
1. things fall apart
2. tuesday with orrie
3. Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen Release Influence
4. ps I love you
5. ؟؟؟

يالله بنات باقي كتاب واحد
التعديل الأخير:


New member
2 مايو 2008
مستوى التفاعل
اعلان لقارئات الانجلش
اللي حابة تشارك معانا بال Book Club ترفع ايدها :eh_s(8):

والحين لازم نتفق على التفاصيل اتمنى الكل يشارك برايه:

بالبداية راح يكون في تصويت حق البنات اللي مشاركين
جم مده التصويت اللي تناسبكم؟ يوم يومين ولا اسبوع؟

ليما نختار الكتاب
اتمنى ان كل فترة نغير
يعني مو كله رومانس رومانس مثلا
مرة رومانس مرة تطوير ذات مرة كوميدي مرة اثارة وجذي
نحاول نغطي كل المجالات

وعقب ما نقرر الكتاب
جم يوم يبيلكم على ما تدبرون الكتاب؟

تبون كل شهر كتاب؟ ولا تبون تطولون المدة؟
لأن احنا نبي نراعي ان راح ناخذ كل المستويات

راح نقسم الكتاب انشالله على اسابيع
وكل اسبوع نخصص له جزء معين نناقشه
تبون نحط اسئلة؟ ولا كل وحده تقول رايها باللي قرته على راحتها؟

واتمنى ان تحطون ببالكم الالتزام بالكمية والمدة المطلوبة
لأن نبي نمشي مع بعض بدون ما احد يسبق ولا يتأخر

ميرسي :eh_s(6):


مى مى انا وياكم

انا اقترح مدة التصويت يومين
واسبوع علشان ندبر الكتاب

انا براى كل شهر كتاب
وانغير نوعيت الكتب:)
بس الكتاب الى راح انصوت عليه نبى انعرف ايى مكتبه موجود ؟


New member
28 أغسطس 2008
مستوى التفاعل
Khaled Hosseini | A Thousand Splendid Suns

انا ارشح الكتاب هذا لخالد الحسينى شفته من قبل بفيرجن


New member
28 أغسطس 2008
مستوى التفاعل
بنات شوقتوني على الكتب الانجليزية
اللي يطلبون من الامازون في الاوردر الواحد جم كتاب تطلبون ؟ و على جم يطلع مع الشحن؟؟

انا دايما اطلب من الامازون مو غالى وتقدرين تطلبين من كتاب الى 100 بس يطول عمال ما يوصل من اسبوعين الى شهر واذا تبين بسرعه يوصل تدفعين اكثر


New member
31 مايو 2009
مستوى التفاعل
أغلى دار
تبون tuesday with morrie ولا نبدله ب for one more day؟

كتب التصويت ليلحين:
1. things fall apart
2. tuesday with orrie
3. Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen Release Influence
4. ps I love you
5. ؟؟؟

يالله بنات باقي كتاب واحد

سي لافي ودي اقول رايي بشغله

انا ماحبيت كتاب ماري كيت واختها

ماحب كتب الcelebrities

اظن لازم نركز على نوع معين من الكتب في كل مره

يعني مره عن تطوير الذات

مره عن الfiction

مره biography

وجذي ولا شرايج

مو جذي احسن حتى نركز على اللي نقراه

what do you think????

كويت ناني انا قريت كتاب خالد حسيني

الكتاب حلو قريتي kite runner???
التعديل الأخير:


New member
28 أغسطس 2008
مستوى التفاعل
ياريت بصفحه التصويت تنحط نبده وملخص عن الكتاب ونوعه مع اسم المؤلف
هذى ملخص الكتاب لخالد الحسينى اهيا روايه عن حياه بنتين فى افغانستان الكتاب عجيب ومؤثر و اعتقد انه بست سيلير
Book Summary

The novel opens with the introduction of Mariam, an Afghan girl growing up in a small village on the outskirts of Herat. She lives with her mother, Nana, an embittered woman who is frequently resentful towards her daughter whom she bore out of wedlock. Mariam busies herself with lessons in reading and writing from Mullah Faizullah, an elderly kind-hearted cleric, and weekly visits from her wealthy father, Jalil. Mariam has heard of her father's other wives and children, who live with him at his lavish home in Herat, but has never visited them due to the stigma of her being an illegitimate child.

On her fifteenth birthday in 1974, Mariam wants her father to take her to see Pinocchio at the movie theatre that he owns. When Jalil fails to show up, Mariam decides to travel to Herat for the first time in her life and go to her father's house in person. Jalil refuses to see her, and she ends up sleeping outdoors on the porch.

In the morning, Mariam returns home to find that her mother has hanged herself out of fear that her daughter has deserted her.

Mariam is taken to live in her father's house, where she feels isolated and spends most of her time alone in her room. Jalil and his wives quickly arrange for her to be married to an older widower named Rasheed, who is a middle-class shoemaker in Kabul.

In Kabul, Mariam begins adjusting to her new life as the wife of a man she barely knows. Mariam soon becomes pregnant, and Rasheed, having lost his own son in a drowning accident years earlier, hopes for a boy. When Mariam suffers a miscarriage, her marriage takes a turn for the worse; Rasheed is no longer cordial to her, but verbally and physically abuses her.

Down the street lives Laila, the beautiful, bright young daughter of ethnic Tajik parents - a progressive-minded high school teacher and a mother who mourns the loss of her two sons, who were mujahideen fighting the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Laila has a subtle romance with Tariq, a boy from the neighborhood who lost a leg as a small child to a land mine explosion.

War comes to Afghanistan, and Kabul is bombarded by rocket attacks. Tariq's family decides to leave the city. The emotional farewell between Laila and Tariq culminates in a clandestine tryst on the living room sofa.

Laila's family also decides to leave Kabul, but as they are packing, a rocket destroys the house and kills her parents. Laila is taken in by Rasheed and Mariam.

After recovering from her injuries, including a slight deafness in one ear, Laila discovers she is pregnant with Tariq's child. To avoid the stigma of being an unwed mother, Laila arranges to marry Rasheed, who is only too eager to have a young and attractive second wife, and immediately consummates the marriage in hopes that she can pass the child off as his. A man stops by the house to tell Laila that he met Tariq at a hospital, and that Tariq was now dead.

Laila gives birth to Aziza, a daughter. Rasheed is unhappy and suspicious, and he becomes more abusive.

After an initially rancorous relationship, Mariam and Laila eventually become confidantes. They plan to run away from Rasheed and leave Kabul for Peshawar, Pakistan, but they are betrayed at the bus station by a man they thought they could trust, arrested and returned to Rasheed. Rasheed beats the two women and deprives them of water for several days, almost killing Aziza.

A few years later, Laila gives birth to Zalmai, Rasheed's son. By this time, the Taliban has risen to power in Afghanistan. They have banned television, movies and books other than the Koran, and women are not allowed to work. A drought comes, which eventually leads to widespread hunger and food shortages. When Rasheed's shop burns down, the family is thrust into destitution. There is little food and Rasheed finds himself reduced to working as a porter at a hotel. As their financial situation worsens, Aziza is sent to an orphanage a few kilometers away.

Then one day, Tariq appears outside the house, revealing the fact that the man who stopped by the house to tell the news about Tariq's death was a plan made by Rasheed. He and Laila are reunited, and their passions flare anew. When Rasheed returns home from work, young Zalmai tells his father about the visitor. Rasheed starts to savagely beat Laila with his belt, but Mariam comes to Laila's defense by killing Rasheed with a shovel.

Laila and Tariq leave for Pakistan with the children. Mariam confesses to killing her husband and is executed.

After the fall of the Taliban in 2003, Laila and Tariq decide to return to Afghanistan. They stop in the village near Herat where Mariam was raised, and discover a package that Mariam's father had left behind for her: a videotape of Pinocchio and check for her share of the family inheritance. They return to Kabul and fix up the orphanage.


New member
31 مايو 2009
مستوى التفاعل
أغلى دار
ياريت بصفحه التصويت تنحط نبده وملخص عن الكتاب ونوعه مع اسم المؤلف
هذى ملخص الكتاب لخالد الحسينى اهيا روايه عن حياه بنتين فى افغانستان الكتاب عجيب ومؤثر و اعتقد انه بست سيلير
Book Summary

The novel opens with the introduction of Mariam, an Afghan girl growing up in a small village on the outskirts of Herat. She lives with her mother, Nana, an embittered woman who is frequently resentful towards her daughter whom she bore out of wedlock. Mariam busies herself with lessons in reading and writing from Mullah Faizullah, an elderly kind-hearted cleric, and weekly visits from her wealthy father, Jalil. Mariam has heard of her father's other wives and children, who live with him at his lavish home in Herat, but has never visited them due to the stigma of her being an illegitimate child.

On her fifteenth birthday in 1974, Mariam wants her father to take her to see Pinocchio at the movie theatre that he owns. When Jalil fails to show up, Mariam decides to travel to Herat for the first time in her life and go to her father's house in person. Jalil refuses to see her, and she ends up sleeping outdoors on the porch.

In the morning, Mariam returns home to find that her mother has hanged herself out of fear that her daughter has deserted her.

Mariam is taken to live in her father's house, where she feels isolated and spends most of her time alone in her room. Jalil and his wives quickly arrange for her to be married to an older widower named Rasheed, who is a middle-class shoemaker in Kabul.

In Kabul, Mariam begins adjusting to her new life as the wife of a man she barely knows. Mariam soon becomes pregnant, and Rasheed, having lost his own son in a drowning accident years earlier, hopes for a boy. When Mariam suffers a miscarriage, her marriage takes a turn for the worse; Rasheed is no longer cordial to her, but verbally and physically abuses her.

Down the street lives Laila, the beautiful, bright young daughter of ethnic Tajik parents - a progressive-minded high school teacher and a mother who mourns the loss of her two sons, who were mujahideen fighting the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Laila has a subtle romance with Tariq, a boy from the neighborhood who lost a leg as a small child to a land mine explosion.

War comes to Afghanistan, and Kabul is bombarded by rocket attacks. Tariq's family decides to leave the city. The emotional farewell between Laila and Tariq culminates in a clandestine tryst on the living room sofa.

Laila's family also decides to leave Kabul, but as they are packing, a rocket destroys the house and kills her parents. Laila is taken in by Rasheed and Mariam.

After recovering from her injuries, including a slight deafness in one ear, Laila discovers she is pregnant with Tariq's child. To avoid the stigma of being an unwed mother, Laila arranges to marry Rasheed, who is only too eager to have a young and attractive second wife, and immediately consummates the marriage in hopes that she can pass the child off as his. A man stops by the house to tell Laila that he met Tariq at a hospital, and that Tariq was now dead.

Laila gives birth to Aziza, a daughter. Rasheed is unhappy and suspicious, and he becomes more abusive.

After an initially rancorous relationship, Mariam and Laila eventually become confidantes. They plan to run away from Rasheed and leave Kabul for Peshawar, Pakistan, but they are betrayed at the bus station by a man they thought they could trust, arrested and returned to Rasheed. Rasheed beats the two women and deprives them of water for several days, almost killing Aziza.

A few years later, Laila gives birth to Zalmai, Rasheed's son. By this time, the Taliban has risen to power in Afghanistan. They have banned television, movies and books other than the Koran, and women are not allowed to work. A drought comes, which eventually leads to widespread hunger and food shortages. When Rasheed's shop burns down, the family is thrust into destitution. There is little food and Rasheed finds himself reduced to working as a porter at a hotel. As their financial situation worsens, Aziza is sent to an orphanage a few kilometers away.

Then one day, Tariq appears outside the house, revealing the fact that the man who stopped by the house to tell the news about Tariq's death was a plan made by Rasheed. He and Laila are reunited, and their passions flare anew. When Rasheed returns home from work, young Zalmai tells his father about the visitor. Rasheed starts to savagely beat Laila with his belt, but Mariam comes to Laila's defense by killing Rasheed with a shovel.

Laila and Tariq leave for Pakistan with the children. Mariam confesses to killing her husband and is executed.

After the fall of the Taliban in 2003, Laila and Tariq decide to return to Afghanistan. They stop in the village near Herat where Mariam was raised, and discover a package that Mariam's father had left behind for her: a videotape of Pinocchio and check for her share of the family inheritance. They return to Kabul and fix up the orphanage.

حرام عليج حرقتي الروايه على البنات :krkrkr:

C'est La Vie

New member
11 يونيو 2008
مستوى التفاعل
بين صفحاتي
قولدن حبيبتي احنا ما اخترنا الكتب ليلحين بس نختار كتب للتصويت راح ناخذ واحد منها

بختار for one more day لعيون كيوتا

وتبون كتاب ماري كيت وآشلي؟
بليز جاوبوني بنات عشان نعرف اذا خلصنا اختيار كتب للتصويت ولا نفتح المجال لكتاب بعد؟

كتاب Khaled Hosseini | A Thousand Splendid Suns دش التصويت


New member
28 أغسطس 2008
مستوى التفاعل
golden lady its just a summery dont worry the book is far more intresting
i also love the kite runner but i dont think we should vote for 2 book for the same auther
keep it for the next vote
i also want to say i hat celebrties books but if it ok with all the girls then i guess its fine


New member
9 أكتوبر 2008
مستوى التفاعل
7abibty elq8
بنات جم وحده قاريه رواية twilight????

ودي اقراها ويقولون الكتاب احلى من الفلم بس اذا اغلبكم قارينها وماتبون تحطونها بالتصويت it`s ok
مادري انا احب الفكشن بانواعه مو مشكله بس اذا شئ مو فكشن يعني علمي والا سيره ذاتيه احس ماراح اقراه خخخخخخخ

مابي احبطكم فيني بس صج ماتستهويني هالكتب

مادري شوفوا شنو تختارون

انا اصوت معاج ب twilight حيل مشوقنى اقراه اتوقعه عجيب متاكدة راح اكون ممتع

so 2 votes 4 TWILIGHT :))


New member
9 أكتوبر 2008
مستوى التفاعل
7abibty elq8
أهلين بنات
صاجه سي لافي اهوا وايد روحاني و يطرح قضاياه برؤى فلسفية و the alchemist قريتها امم حلوه السرد حلو و الاحداث تخليج تندمجين بالقصه بس النهايه ما عجبتني للاسف
شرايكم ب twilight؟ صراحه حدي متشوقه اقرا السلسله من كثر ما يتكلمون عنها عندي الفيلم بس مابي اشوفه ابي اقرا القصه اول

girlz 3 votez 4 TWILIGHT till now


New member
24 مايو 2008
مستوى التفاعل
انا ودي اني اقترح كتابين عاد اختاروا منهم
misery by steven king which is a thriller
or the secret window by the same writer which also is a thriller
انا قارية misery من قبل مو وايد كبيرة مثل قصص ستيفن المعتادة و تخليج على اعصابج طوال القرائة
اما the secret window للحين ما قريتها بس شفت الفلم رهييييييبة القصة, اهي موجودة بقصة ضمن اربع قصص مجمعينها في كتاب واحد هذي صورته

هذا الريفيو تبعه
In "The Langoliers," a handful of people fall alseep on an airplane...they then wake up in a world without life, still in the plane. It is full of great characterization and suspense, along with a few twists! A personal favorite.

In "Secret Window, Secret Garden," a writer, Mort, is accused of plagerism...this story turns into much more than that, however. It's really shocking, and hard to call if you haven't see the movie (Secret Window).

In "The Library Policeman," the main character (can't recall the man) is haunted by his childhood fear of "the library policeman". However, that fear is rational...for the Library Policeman...is real!

In "The Sun Dog," Keven gets a camera with a haunting effect..it has the picture of a a dog slowly moving. Very haunting and creeping, with a masterful ending!!!!

"Four Past Midnight" is a collection of novellas that are all amazing. HOWEVER, please note that the reader must be able to stretch his mind in all cases, as many of the stories are unrealistic.

تصدقون عاد احس ان هذا الكتاب ينفع لانه قصص وايد كل قصه يمكن فيها 200 صفحة ناخذ فيه شهر تقريبا
i highly recommend this book


New member
31 مايو 2009
مستوى التفاعل
أغلى دار
golden lady its just a summery dont worry the book is far more intresting
i also love the kite runner but i dont think we should vote for 2 book for the same auther
keep it for the next vote
i also want to say i hat celebrties books but if it ok with all the girls then i guess its fine

yeah, i know its intersting

but you know what

i read the book

and it's still fresh in my mind

so i dont know about choosing it for book club project

girls please dont think i'm picky or anything

idont know

im a bit confused know :0bee2e8d89: