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Workout, Eat Healthy, Look Good!
Through exercise you may "feel" the difference, but it takes healthy eating habits to "see" the difference
FOR A “FAT SIZZLING” METABOLISM: Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Snack
Lean meats or casein protein before bedtime can help build & repair muscle fibers overnight
"Clear your mind of can’t"
Fat Belly Foods:
1.) Pasta from white flour
2.) Fried Foods
3.) Junk food
4.) Sweets
5.) White Rice
6.) White Bread
7.) Most cereals
Flat Belly Foods:
1.) Almonds
2.) Oatmeal
3.) Eggs
4.) Spinach
5.) Beans
6.) Apples
7.) Fish
8.) Skinless chicken breast
9.) Turkey
10.) Lean steaks
11.) Roast beef
12.) Vegetables
13.) Fruits
14.) Seeds
*AVOID STARVING* "Starvation mode" slows the metabolism prompting it to burn fewer calories because it isn't getting enough of them
1.) Drink more water
2.) Eat more protein & fiber
3.) Eat 5 to 6 small meals/day. Don't eat more carbs than you need! (carb cycle)
4.) Perform supersets w/ more compound movement exercises
5.) Choose short intense interval cardio sessions over long moderate cardio
Building Muscle Mass & Fat loss can be done simultaneously but the process is slower than completing one goal before the other
Building Muscle Mass & Fat Loss are two separate goals and should be pursued separately for best results
One of the biggest mistakes in fitness is trying to accomplish too many goals at once...
Minimizing sodium (salt) intake while increasing water consumption is the quickest way to shed your first few pounds
GOT SLEEP? Lack of sleep drops growth hormone levels which reduces muscle strength, mass, weakens immune system & increases fat storage
DONT LET YOUR MUSCLES WASH AWAY: Muscles are composed of 65% water, not consuming enough water will cause muscles size to decrease
A study from the University of Connecticut (UCONN) proved that subjects performed more reps while exercising when properly hydrated
Top 5 reasons for FAT gain:
1) Skipping Meals
2) Too Much Sugar
3) Inadequate Sleep
4) Excessive "High Glycemic" Carbs
5) Inactivity
The last bit of fat storage below the belly button is best targeted w/ "high intensity" cardio such as sprints along w/ more frequent meals
Abdominal muscles are best revealed by healthy eating habits & cardio which decreases the overall body fat%
Healthy protein sources usually consumed @ breakfast: eggs, quinoa, skim milk, yogurt, omelets, cottage cheese, oatmeal, peanut butter
More protein sources usually consumed @ breakfast: high fiber/protein cereal, protein shakes, protein bars, whole grains, low fat dairy, etc
Eat to power up your metabolism! The worst breakfast on Earth is not having one at all
Starving your body & skipping meals only makes your body lose muscle & hold fat, lighter on a scale but flabby in appearance
Abdominal exercises should be performed post workout or after a warm-up when they're fully flexible
1.) 15 mins Swimming
2.) 10 mins Jump Roping
3.) 20 mins of Bike Riding
4.) 10 mins jogging
5.) 10 mins boxing
LETS RIDE: Cycling is ideal for toning legs & lower abdominal regions; the average person burns around 500-600 calories in a spin class
Misconception: you can target areas to burn fat from. Wrong! When fat is lost it comes off from everywhere, dropping your overall body fat%
The worst way to eat, causing a weight gain in fat is a (low protein & high glycemic index carb) Diet -New England Journal of Medicine
*DON'T WORKOUT SORE MUSCLES* Muscle fibers are in the process of rebuilding & need recovery time, proper nutrition w/ light movement helps
Oxford nutrition scientists have confirmed that protein is the food for firm ABS
4 Common Muscle Mistakes:
1.) You don't train legs
2.) You run too much
3.) You lift too slowly
4.) You stay in your comfort zone
“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” -Jim Rohn
Lost weight but still lacking muscle tone? Skipping meals, insufficient protein, and neglecting weight training can be probable causes
Fiber is crucial to achieving a flat stomach. If you're not letting your food go it's resting in your large intestine
CARDIO & MUSCLE: Researchers at University of Calgary claim cardio may improve your ability to pack on muscle by reducing myostatin levels
Stay home & prepare your own meals: “Stomach Flatter, Pockets Fatter”
The United States Department of Agriculture calculated that we consume an extra 106 calories every time we eat out
Results speed up drastically when healthy eating habits compliment your workout efforts
BIGGEST TRAINING ERROR: Failure to eat or consume a protein shake after a workout
DID YOU KNOW? Upon waking your body has fasted for roughly 8hrs, breakfast is essential to crank up your metabolism in the a.m
There are good fats & bad fats. It’s impossible to LOSE fat if you don't eat the good fats
Good fats: fish, eggs, coconut oil, avocado, olive oil, fish oil, seeds, and raw nuts such as almonds, walnuts, peanuts etc.
Bad fats: sweets, candy, white breads, packaged foods, fast foods, grease, sugar, cakes, etc.
European study finds that green tea drunk within two hours after a meal increases fat breakdown by a third
Always eat within the first 20mins post-workout to replenish nutrients & prevent the secretion of stress hormones
Top 5 fat burning Vegetables: broccoli, spinach, greens, tomatoes, peppers
Top 5 Fat burning Fruits: Apples, Grapefruit, Blueberries, Pineapple, Strawberries
A clean diet should consist of lean meats, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, & seeds
H20: Drink water during your workouts. Research shows that hydrated muscles can perform more reps
A 30min intense workout yields more results than a 2hr lazy workout
SMALLER DISHES,SMALLER STOMACH Food scientists at Cornell University state that people tend to eat as much food as will fit on their plates
Increasing the resistance on elliptical machines & the incline on treadmills helps burn more calories, while toning legs & glutes
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started" -Mark Twain
Eating habits must compliment fitness goals for success; Your ideal physique is a recipe...eat accordingly
Research shows weight training boosts metabolic rate by 30-40% increasing fat burning
*6 small meals* signals your body that it will always receive food, resulting in the release of all stored emergency fat
People eating 6 small meals/day have 5% lower cholesterol levels than those eating 1 or 2 large meals/day -British Medical Journal
IT'S TRUE, BREAKFAST IS IMPORTANT: Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals people who regularly skip breakfast add 1.8" to their waistlines
MUSCLES OVERNIGHT? During sleep marks the rebuilding phase of muscle fibers that have been trained, sleep is mandatory for growth
Research suggests that morning exercise improves sleep, a benefit that also helps promote weight loss
Evaluate "today" to plan for a better "tomorrow"
*ON THE ROCKS* Ice cold water burns more calories because your body works to bring it to normal temperature
Worlds Healthiest Grains: Barley, Brown rice, Buckwheat, Corn, Millet, Oats, Quinoa, Rye, Spelt, Whole wheat
Harvard Medical School research shows that lack of sleep disrupts hormonal balance causing weight gain
"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” -George Shaw
The worst way to eat, causing a weight gain in fat is a (low protein & high glycemic index carb) Diet -New England Journal of Medicine
Research finds that it takes 15mins for your brain to signal that you're full, slow down while eating meals to consume 10% less
Studies show individuals who wait until they feel starved to eat typically end up overeating causing fat storage
Remember "Cardio" burns calories when you do it. "Muscle" burns calories 24/7
If you wait until you feel hungry to eat, you've probably waited too long
Did You Know? French fries, chips, sweetened drinks & processed meats contribute to the most weight gain -New England Journal of Medicine
Tufts University study finds that choosing wheat bread & brown rice over white will reduce belly fat by 10%
For best AB training results, work lower abdominals 1st followed by upper abdominals then obliques
A Study conducted at Virginia University shows that regularly skipping breakfast increases your risk of obesity by 450%
Less than 7 hours of sleep a night causes an average weight gain of 11 pounds in 6 years
Eating late at night makes you fat
GET YOUR REST: Sleepy women eat an extra 328 calories/day, says new NY Obesity Research Center study
To avoid additional fat storage avoid late night consumption of carbohydrates
Misconception one should focus only on weight loss and cardio before attempting to build muscle
"Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner" -Les Brown
Preparing meals & snacks for the week is the easiest way to fit your diet into a busy schedule and avoid unhealthy food choices
Women Body Fat %: Athletes 14-20% Fitness 21-24% Acceptable 25-30% Obese 31%+
The more "muscle" your body has the less "fat" it feels it needs
Morning workouts help to release endorphins, promoting a better mood and more ENERGY throughout the day
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